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Q: When Facebook does not let you send a friend request does it mean the person blocked you?
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How do you send a friend request on facebook?

Type in the name of the person you want to send the request to in the top right corner. Select the right person on the list that will show up and click Add As Friend

How long does a friend request stay pending on Facebook?

A friend request will stay pending on Facebook until the person accepts or denies the request. This could mean years if the person simply refuses to respond.

Does a person have to accept your invite on Facebook to be your friend?

No. They can choose to "ignore" your request.

How do you cancel a friend request you made on Facebook?

On the left side of the person's profile (under where that person's friends are displayed) is a link to cancel the friend request. Click on it and the request will be canceled.

Can people see the text who you send a Facebook request?

Can people see text after they send a friend request on Facebook for example I got it on the Facebook app and I saw and then I got a text saying this person wants to be your friend on Facebook can they see that if I can

How do you get back people on facebook back when you blocked them and removed them from your list?

Go into your account and pull up your list of blocked users, it will give you the option to take them off the list, unblock the person then search them again on facebook and request them as a friend. When you just remove a friend you can still view their profile. However, if you block someone their profile is nonexistent to you as yours is to them.

Can you retrieve a friend request you have previously declined on facebook?

no you will have to re-add the person

Can anyone be your friend on Facebook?

According to standard Facebook procedure anyone can be your friend pending your approval. It does not matter wheather you or the other person sends the friend request.

How do you unlock moshi monsters users that you blocked?

Sending a friend request to this person again will unblock them.

How do you join back the person who blocked you on Facebook?

If someone has chosen to "Block Friend Requests" this usually means, they anticipated your request to become friends with them. This should be a strong clue that you're of poor character and an assh0le. After a few days, this person will reset their settings and "Allow Friend Requests," knowing your request has been blocked. They can start accepting requests from normal and decent people (unlike you) once their settings have been reset. There is NO WAY to override the Blocked Friend Request from another Facebook or Friendster user. You are basically FU<KED..... sorry to break the bad news to ya but maybe you should get a better life, eh. Shane from Canada, eh.

If you delete a friend request on Facebook will the person know that you did that?

Yes, they will see that they are not your friend any more. Or that your not on there friend list, but they will not be notified.

How do you take back friend request on Facebook?

Click the "Cancel Friend Request" link located on the left side of the profile, underneath that person's friends.