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Q: When Jane Goodall was living in Gombe what was it like for her?
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What is Jane Goodall most remembered for?

Jane Goodall was famous for conducting breakthrough research on chimpanzees in Gombe. She lived with the chimps for 10 years in the wild and even gave them names instead of just numbering them like other researchers. She discovered that they make tools, have tribes, hug and kiss, and have different facial expressions.

Do you think A person would take on a career such as Jane Goodall?

If you mean "Do you think someone would take on the same career as Jane Goodall?" I would say yes because college students go to Gombe to watch her work because they want to be like her.

What did jane Goodall contribute?

Apart from behavioral and ecological research, her biggest discovery was that the Chimps of Gombe used tools like stone anvils for crushing nuts and twigs for fishing for ants and termites.

What did Jane Goodall like to do when she was young?

Jane Goodalls liked Chimps

What was it like when Jane Goodall was growing up?

what was it like when Jane Goodall was growing up? i don't knoooow...

What was Jane Goodall like?

I don'tknow

Why didn't Jane Goodall always like animals?

That is not true. Jane Goodall loved animals since she was born.

Did Jane Goodall like sports as a child?


What was Jane Goodall's childhood like?

I don'tknow

How old were Jane Goodall's parents when they had Jane?

my mom said like 29

What kind of person was Jane Goodall like?

She was a terrible racist

What is Jane Goodall's email?

Do you really think the internet is going to say that information.It's like so personal. And did you know Jane Goodall is still alive today2010.