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Hum, it cannot.

As acceleration is the first derivative of the speed, if the speed is constant the derivative is null, if the speed is decreasing the derivative is negative. When talking about all this stuff we take into account the instantaneous values (instant speed, instant acceleration).

Note that when you slow down, you slow down overall but can locally in time accelerate a little bit, let's say during 1/10th of a sec because you reached a partion of the road which was sloping. However this does not change the fact that when the speed decrease, the acceleration is negative.

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Q: When Jennifer is out for a ride she slowns down on her bike as she approaches a group of hikers on a trail explain how her acceleration can be positive even though her speed is decreasing?
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No. Acceleration is Delta-Velocity / Delta-Time. If Acceleration is negative then that means that either Delta Velocity is negative or Delta Time is negative---which is not practical. For Acceleartion to be negative, that means the Velocity has to Decrease. (where Delta Velocity is change in Velocity or V2 - V1)

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The velocity has to increase in a positive direction. The increase in velocity in a positive direction is a positive acceleration.

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well the difference between positive and negative velocity would have to be that if your motion speeds up than you have a positive and when or if your motion slows down then you would have a negative accelerarion!!!!

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Positive acceleration = speeding up. Negative acceleration = slowing down.

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No. "Positive acceleration" means increasing speed. The acceleration is usually constantin typical Physics examples and applications.

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Positive is speeding up and negative is slowing down

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Positive acceleration could be called "speeding up" if you felt like it.