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When Jesse and Leslie return to Terabithia, they discover that it has been taken over by the school bully, Janice Avery. They must work together to reclaim their kingdom and restore peace to the land.

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Q: When Jesse and Leslie return to terabithia what do they discover?
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What is the exposition of the Bridge to Terabithia?

The exposition of "Bridge to Terabithia" introduces the main characters, Jesse and Leslie, their friendship, and the magical world of Terabithia that they create together in the woods. It sets the scene for their adventures and the bond that develops between them.

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In "Bridge to Terabithia," Jesse makes his friend Leslie the princess of Terabithia. Leslie embraces the role and helps Jesse create a magical world in their imaginations.

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Three rising actions in "Bridge to Terabithia" are Jess and Leslie's friendship deepening as they create and explore Terabithia together, Janice Avery's bullying behavior towards Leslie, and the challenges Jess faces in trying to improve his running speed to win the race.

In the 2007 movie Bridge to Terabithia why does Jesse blame himself for Leslie's death?

The rope they swang on broke, and she fell into the water (which was overflowing).

What are three key events in Bridge to Terabithia?

1.) Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke become friends. 2.) Jess and Leslie create an imaginary kingdom in the woods called Terabithia. The rope that they cross to get to Terabithia is the "Bridge" to Terabithia. Hense the title of the book. 3.) Jess and Leslie play a prank on Janice Avery which strengthens their friendship. 4.) Jess goes with Miss Edmunds to a museum and doesn't invite Leslie because of his crush for hi music teacher cause Leslie to go to Terabithia by herself when the rope breaks and Jess feels guilty learning that she had passed while he was away.

What does Jesse and Leslie the same in the book the brige of terabithia?

Jesse and Leslie in the book "Bridge to Terabithia" share a love for creativity, imagination, and creating their own magical world in Terabithia. They both find refuge and solace in each other's company, forming a deep bond and friendship that helps them navigate the challenges they face in their lives.

Main problem Bridge to Terabithia Katherine Paterson?

Leslie dies and Jesse blames himself partly

What are the spirits of the grove in the Bridge to Terabithia?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," the spirits of the grove are mystical beings created by Leslie and Jesse to guard and protect Terabithia. They are depicted as wise and ethereal creatures that embody the magic and beauty of the imaginary kingdom.

how did jesse and leslie become friend in bridge to terabithia?

"How did jesse and leslie become friends in Bridge to Terabithia?" -Ana Torres In the novel The Bridge to Terabithia, Jesse met Leslie when she moved to his small country town. They shared a few things in common- such as their skill and love for running, not applying to stereotypes, and how others viewed them as possessing "oddness". They both have some issues at school and home, which they help each other with. They taught each other valuable things and did become good friends. They developed a strong friendship. 🌟

What is the problem in the Bridge to Terabithia?

The main problem in "Bridge to Terabithia" is the death of Leslie, one of the main characters, in a tragic accident while trying to reach Terabithia during a storm. This event deeply affects Jesse and their friends and changes their lives forever.

In Bridge to Terabithia who dies and why?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," Leslie Burke dies in a tragic accident when she falls from a rope swing into a creek and drowns. Jesse Aarons, her close friend, witnesses the accident and is deeply affected by her death.

What is the story sequence from beginning middle to end for the BOOK Bridge to Terabithia?

The story begins with Jesse Aarons, a young boy who befriends a new girl in town named Leslie Burke. Together, they create an imaginary kingdom in the woods called Terabithia. The middle focuses on their adventures in Terabithia and the challenges they face in their personal lives. It ends tragically with Leslie's sudden death, leaving Jesse to cope with loss and find a way to honor her memory.