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When Jesus was on the cross and just before he died, he told the Apostle John that he was now her son and she was his mother. Jesus was telling John to take care of his mother. Mary also had other children but Jesus made a point of telling John to care for her.

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Q: When Jesus died who was given to Mary as a son?
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She was given a son... Jesus.

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One. Her name was Mary. Her son's name was Jesus Christ.

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The words are bear bore born. Writing in: past tense -- Mary bore a son, named Jesus. present perfect -- Mary has borne a son, named Jesus.

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There are two options to which I can give an answer for your unambiguous question.1: Jesus (who is God) gave Mary to us when she was conceived.2. Jesus could have also given Mary to be the true mother of the world when he was dying on the cross. In John 19:26-27 it says, "Woman, behold your son: behold your mother," as Jesus died upon the cross.

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Jesus was the son of God and Mary was his mother

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Just a thought... how can Mary be her own son's son?

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Jesus is the son of god. But his earthly father was Joseph.

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