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King of the Jews.

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Q: When Jesus is crucified the sign over his head reads?
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What does the plaque over Jesus' head say?

The plaque over Jesus' head on the cross is commonly depicted with the Latin inscription "INRI," which stands for "Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum," meaning "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." This plaque was likely placed there by the Romans to signify the crime for which Jesus was being crucified.

Who handed Jesus over to be crucified?

Jesus was handed over to be crucified by the Jewish religious leaders and authorities, led by the high priest Caiaphas, who accused him of blasphemy and sought his execution. Ultimately, it was Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, who sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion.

Why did people hang holly over their doorways?

people hang holly over their doorways because it represented the crown of thorns Jesus wore when he was crucified.

How old was the world at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus?

A:The world is over 4.5 billion years old, as it was just two thousand years ago when Jesus was crucified.

When asked why he was going back to the city Jesus replied you must be crucified again where can I find this story?

The question seems to refer to events recorded in John 11, where the disciples express concern over Jesus' intent to return to Judea (verse 8), but there is no record of Jesus making any such statement as "you must be crucified again."

Is the Shroud of Turin evidence that Jesus existed?

A:No. It is believed to be a medieval forgery. But even if it really did date from the first century and really came from Jerusalem, it would only prove that someone was crucified and buried in that shroud. The Romans crucified thousands of men in Jerusalem. The shroud appears to be a single piece of cloth that draped over the entire body, including the head. John's Gospel tell us that the cloth was wrapped around Jesus, not draped, and that there was a separate cloth covering his head, as was Jewish custom in the first century.

When it says that Jesus was despised and rejected of men what does it means?

It means that His Own people rejected Him as their Messiah, & handed Him over to the Roman Govenor to be Crucified.

What does the letter 'R' over the head of Jesus mean?


What was the sign over Jesus head?

It read "King of the Jews"

What is the Good Friday story?

Good Friday originated over 2000 years ago, when Jesus was crucified by the Romans. It precedes Easter, when Christians celebrate the Resurrection (Jesus rising from the dead on the third day).

Who was the ruler who killed James and imprisoned Peter?

Who was the ruler who killed James and imprisoned Peter? Most people would state Pontius Pilate Governor of Judea. However if one reads the texts that is not exactly accurate, as Pilate washed his hands of the killing of Jesus Christ. - Pilate was willing to let Jesus Christ go after a public whipping. It was the chief priests and scribes of the temple, who moved against Jesus Christ to have him crucified. They even worked up the crowd when Pilate offered them a choice to free a prisoner during the feast of Passover (Barabbas or Jesus Christ). The people chose Barabbas (a murder) over Jesus Christ and demanded with the Chief Priests and Scribes that Jesus should be crucified. One can read of this in Matthew 27...

What actually killed Jesus?

If I understand correctly, the question is asking about the actual cause of death. It was a spear through the heart, the legendary Spear of Longinus. I have seen paintings of the Crucification with wounds on the hands and feet from the nails, about the head from the Crown of Thorns, and a spear wound over the heart. It was considered a mercy to kill a crucified victim in this way, although some were left crucified until they succumbed on their own. jesus could not be killed by anything unless he willingly gave up his life.