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Q: When Jesus was born what was the full name of Herod the ruler of Israel?
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Who ruled when Jesus was born?

Jesus wasn't born. But people say it was King Herod. -_-; ANSWER Yes Jesus was born. He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem in Israel. King Herod the Great was ruler at that time appointed by Rome.

Who was the tetrarch of Galilee when Jesus was born?

There was no Tetarch when Jesus Christ was born as Herod the Great was still alive and was ruler over all Israel. The kingdom was not split up until Herod the Great died.

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Who was the king of Israel born in the same town that Jesus was born in?

king herod

Was jesus king herods son and was his mother herods daughter?

No, Jesus was not King Herod's son. Jesus' mother was Mary, who was not related to Herod. Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph, and Herod the Great was the ruler of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth.

Was herod was dead when jesus was born?

Herod the Great was king when Jesus was born.

Who was the king of israel when jesus was born?

A:The simple answer would be that Herod the Great was king when Jesus was born, as the Gospels of Matthew and Luke both agree on this. However, the Gospel of Luke also says that Jesus was born during the census of Qurinius, governor of Syria. The problem here is that Herod died in 4 BCE, while Qurinius was appointed in 6 CE, ten year later, with instructions to conduct a census in Judea. This was the only census under Qurinius, and the first to be conducted by Rome in the Levant, but it also took place at a time when there was no longer a king in Judea. The explanation is, as John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus) informs us, that the nativity stories do not contain any historical truth.

Where was Jesus at during His lifetime?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. His parents took him to Egypt for a couple years because of Herod. Then they went to Palestine (now Israel) where he spent his life.

Who is King Herod on Jesus birth?

King Herod was the ruler of Judea during the time of Jesus' birth. He is known for ordering the massacre of infants in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the baby Jesus, whom he saw as a threat to his rule. Herod's actions are mentioned in the Biblical accounts of Jesus' birth in the Gospel of Matthew.

Who was king when Jesus was doing his miracles?

Herod Antipas was the king during the time when Jesus was performing his miracles.

Who was the King at Jesus birth?

The answer is King Herod There was no longer a kingdom of Israel at the time attributed to the birth of Jesus. The southern state of Judah, known to the Romans as Judea, was the homeland of the Jews and had gradually expanded since the time of the Maccabeans to include the former territory of Israel. Both Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel say that Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod the Great. Herod was an Idumean and was imposed on Judea by Roman military might, one reason that he was very unpopular among the Jews.

Who was the king of Bethlehem in Jesus' time?

In the bible the king who was ruling Bethleham was king Herod.