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As criminals they would have taken no heed of the teachings of Christ. There attitude towards their criminal activities was sufficient for them. Even if they had heard the teachings of Christ they took little heed of them.

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Q: When Jesus was on the cross why neither one of the criminals were baptized?
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How can Jesus be baptized after after death?

Jesus was baptized before he started his work on earth not after he died on the cross.

Where did Jesus Christ killed?

Jesus was killed on the cross on a hil called Golgotha. The cross was punishment for top criminals, It was brought by the Romans from Asia Minor , todays Turkey.

When was the cross invented?

it was a symbol of Jesus dieing on the cross!

Were the other two men with Jesus nailed to the cross as Jesus was?

Jesus was crucified alongside two other criminals, he was treated as a criminal. The disciples of jesus were not crucified.

What killed Jesus God or sickness?

Neither of those killed Jesus. Jesus died because he was crucified on the cross.

How can the sign of the crosS and holy water connect closely to CATHOLIC faith?

Jesus was baptized so we bless ourselves with it to help cleanse ourselves Jesus was crucified so we bless ourselves with the sign of the cross to help us remember it.

What type men were on the cross with Jesus?

JESUS was crucified with two criminals or two thiefs,one on His right,usually known as "Dimas" and this was the thief who believed in JESUS as a Lord and as a Savior,and the other thief was on the left of JESUS and this one denied JESUS as a Lord and a Savior.

Why are the preparations Jesus made at lent like the preparations you make at confirmation?

Jesus made no special preparations. The cross was always before him, which he called his baptism: But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! (Luke 12.50)

Why did they nail the other two men to the cross?

They were criminals and it was a common tradition for Jews to nail criminals on a cross. Also, it had been Biblically predicted that Jesus would make his death among common thieves: there were many prophesies concerning the nature and circumstance of His death and His resurrection that were brought to pass at this time.

Does it make a difference if there is Jesus on the cross or off the cross?

Neither make any difference for both are symbolic of his death. This writer believes in a living Christ and not a dead one. To some the cross reminds them of His death and sacrifice.

What does pentcostal believe?

We believe in Acts 2:38 And Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. We also believe in the rapture and taht Jesus Christ died on a CROSS. Jehova Witnesses believe that Jesus died on a stake but we believe that he died on a CROSS

Who died along with Jesus?

Two criminals, often called the "good" thief and the "bad" thief. The "good" thief admitted his sin and accepted Jesus on the cross. The"good thief" asked to come with Jesus to be with him; Jesus told him today you will be with me in paradise. He is said to be the first Saint as he went directly to Heaven by God's order.