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Q: When North Korea attacked South Korea Truman concluded?
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Did Truman attack North Korea or did North Korea attack us?

North Korea attacked South Korea.

In 1950 the communist government of which nation attacked South Korea?

North Korea attacked Korea in 1950

How did president Truman view the communists invasion of south Korea?

Truman was a proponent of containing Communism and attempted to stop the spread from North Korea to South Korea.

What was the reason for the war?

North Korea attacked South Korea.

Who did Truman think was behind north Korea attacking south korea?


How many times did North Korea attack South Korea?

North Korea attacked south Korea around 16 times.

How did president harry Truman react to the north Korea invasion of south Korea?

president truman ordered american troops moved from Japan to South Korea.

What events caused Truman to send American troops to Korea in 1950?

the invasion of South Korea by North Korea

Why is South Korea retaliating with F-16 fighter jets on North Korea after its October 2010 attack?

because north Korea attacked them

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Why did US president Truman fear the North Korean invasion South Korea?

truman believed it was the soviet communist powers that was truly behind the invasion of south korea

What year did North Korea's army invade South Korea and who was US President at the time?

1950, Truman was president