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Penelope's trick involved weaving a burial shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes, during the day but unraveling it at night, thus delaying the completion of the shroud and her decision to remarry.

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Q: When Penelope talks to the beggar she tells him about the trick she used to postpone choosing one of the suitors as a husband. what is the trick?
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What is the trick Penelope uses to postpone choosing one of the suitors as a husband?

Penelope tells the suitors that she will choose a husband once she finishes weaving a burial shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. Each night, she secretly unravels the shroud, delaying her decision indefinitely.

How does Penelope delay choosing one of the suitors?

Penelope delays choosing one of the suitors by telling them that she will choose a husband once she finishes weaving a burial shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. However, she unravels the shroud each night to buy herself more time.

What trick did Penelope used to delay choosing a husband from among the suitors?

Penelope delayed choosing a husband by telling the suitors that she would choose once she finished weaving a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. However, each night she secretly unraveled part of the shroud, thus prolonging the task and delaying the need to make a decision.

What is the benefit Penelope sees in marrying the suitors?

Penelope believes that by marrying one of the suitors, she can maintain stability and security for herself and her son, Telemachus. She hopes that by choosing one of the suitors, she can avoid further conflict and possibly prevent them from causing harm to her and her household.

Why do you think Penelope set this test for her suitors?

Penelope set the test of stringing Odysseus's bow to identify the one suitor who could successfully complete this task, as it required great strength and skill. By setting this test, Penelope hoped to reveal the true identity of her husband, Odysseus, who she suspected might be among the suitors in disguise.

Related questions

What is the trick Penelope uses to postpone choosing one of the suitors as a husband?

Penelope tells the suitors that she will choose a husband once she finishes weaving a burial shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. Each night, she secretly unravels the shroud, delaying her decision indefinitely.

What trick did Penelope used to delay choosing a husband from among the suitors?

Penelope delayed choosing a husband by telling the suitors that she would choose once she finished weaving a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. However, each night she secretly unraveled part of the shroud, thus prolonging the task and delaying the need to make a decision.

Where in the Odyssey can Penelope's weaving story be found?

Penelope's weaving story can be found in Book 2 of Homer's Odyssey. In this story, Penelope tricks the suitors by weaving a shroud for her father-in-law Laertes during the day and secretly unraveling it at night to delay her remarriage.

In Book 1 when Penelope returns to her room the suitors hope?

The suitors hope that Penelope will choose one of them as her new husband, as they believe Odysseus will never return. They have been pressuring Penelope to make a decision and have been waiting for her to give them an answer.

What way is Penelope an appropriate companion for Odysseus?

Penelope is an appropriate companion for Odysseus because she is loyal, patient, and clever. Despite facing numerous suitors during Odysseus' absence, Penelope remains faithful to him and uses her wit to delay choosing a new husband. Her dedication to Odysseus mirrors his own perseverance on his journey home.

What was the task Penelope placed for the suitors?

It was Penelope

What does Penelope think Odysseus is?

Penelope believes that Odysseus is dead and will not return to Ithaca after the Trojan War. She is surrounded by suitors who are pressuring her to choose one of them as her new husband.

Why can't Penelope finish weaving the robe in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Penelope unravels the robe she weaves during the day, so she never finishes it. She uses this as a ploy to delay remarrying and to ward off suitors who are pressuring her to choose a new husband. By promising to pick a suitor once she completes the robe, she buys herself time to keep Odysseus' identity hidden.

What happens to Penelope while Odysseus absence?

While Odysseus is absent, Penelope remains faithful to him and fends off numerous suitors who try to take advantage of his long absence to marry her and claim his throne. She devises clever schemes to delay choosing a new husband, such as weaving and unweaving a shroud for Odysseus' father Laertes. Penelope's loyalty and cunning are key elements of her character in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey."

Who is the leader of the suitors of Penelope?

Antinous is the leader of the suitors of Penelope, as he is the richest, and the most outspoken. Eurymachus is the next most reknowned of the suitors, and is well known for his command of the language.

Why does Athena disquise Odysseus?

So that his wives,Penelope,suitors won't kill him when he returns home from the war/adventure,to reclaim his throne/home and become King and Penelope's husband again.

What is a Penelope?

Penelope ( weaving with bark ) is the wife of far-flung Odysseus, fending off suitors until her husband's return. In myth, she is also the mother of Pan, by Mercury, some say, or by all of the suitors (!). So, a Penelope is someone who puts off making a choice, or who keeps faith in the teeth of pressure to be 'reasonable" and abandon it.