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Q: When a beam of light passes from air into a pane of glass it refracts?
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What happens to a beam of white light when it passes through a glass prism?

it creates a rainbow

What is the verb for the word refraction?

The verb for refraction is refract.Other verbs are refracts, refracting and refracted.Some example sentences are:"I will refract this beam of light"."The light refracts instead of reflects"."The professor is demonstrating the science of refracting"."The ray of light refracted through the glass prism".

What happens to a beam of light once it hits water?

The incident ray (the incoming light) hits the water and then the speed is slowed. It is called 'Refraction'. Which is the bending of light through a translucent or transparent object.

Explain What happens when a beam of light passes through a colloidal solution and why?

When a beam of light passes through a colloidal solution it scatters because of tyndall effect.

A beam of light can be seen as it passe through a?

a beam of light can be seen if it passes through reflective material.

What happens to the direction of a light ray as it travels from glass into the air?

the light 'beam' (if you like) will slightly change direction this is bending light, light only travels in straight lines but due to the shape of the glass it changes direction when the beam exits the glass its should go back to its shape of ligh beam .

What happens to the direction of a light ray as it travels from glass to air?

the light 'beam' (if you like) will slightly change direction this is bending light, light only travels in straight lines but due to the shape of the glass it changes direction when the beam exits the glass its should go back to its shape of ligh beam .

What are Examples of a convergent beam of light?

Magnifing glass

What is the size of the light beam that passes though a microscope regulated by?


What does a prism do to the light to make a rainbow?

It refracts the light, basically taking the light beam apart and spreading it out to see all the visible colors in the light spectrum. Water does the same thing and that is how rainbows are made.

Explain what happens when a beam of light passes through a gold solution?

A part of this light is absorbed.

When a light beam passes through a medium the beam can change direction and appear to bend and the process is called what?
