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It is a physical phenomenon.

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Q: When a bottle breaks into pieces does it undergo a chemical or physical change?
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When a glass breaks if it falls to the floor is it a chemical change?

no its a physical change

What is a physical or chemical change that breaks rocks into fragments?

Weathering is the term used to describe the reduction in the size of a rock by chemical or physical means.

What is physical weathring and Chemical weathring?

Physical weathering is different from chemical weathering because physical weathering is when a river is to weather away the rock. Chemical is when acid precipitation is too dissolve the rock.

What is different between physical weathering and chemical weathering?

Physical weathering is breaking down of rocks by weather that does not change their chemical components. Chemical weathering is weathering that breaks rocks down by a chemical change.

If a pencil nib breaks is it a chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change. There are no changes made to the compounds in a pencil by breaking it.

A piece of plstic is stretched until it breaks physical changeor chemical change?

Both the stretching and the breaking are physical changes.

Differentiate physical chemical weathering?

mechanical weathering breaks rocks into smaller pieces without changing their composition while on chemical weathering breaks down rocks by forming new minerals that are stable at the earth's surfaces.

Is explosion of nitroglycerin a chemical or physical change?

it would be a chemical reaction mArKe ^_^

Is soulubility a physical property?

Yes it is a physical property. solubility is just one substance dissolving into another. Since there is no change to the chemical formula of the compound, it is a physical change. something dissolving just breaks the chemical into smaller pieces and has no affect on the chemical makeup of whatever is dissolving.

What if your sister breaks a stick is it physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change as there is no change chemically in the composition of the stick

Is a cut healing a physical or chemical change?

Chemical. The hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and elemental oxygen. Two new substances are created.

Is it chemical or physical change putting bleach into t-shirt?

Chemical...both when the bleach breaks down the stains in your shirt so it becomes white again, and when it breaks down the bonds in the cellulose your shirt's made of so it gets holes in it.