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Q: When a boxer is hit in the head by a moving fist what type of concussion injury does it cause?
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Can a chest injury cause a concussion?

Only if the chest injury causes you to hit your head.

Do a head injury cause diabetes?

no diabetes has to do with the blood and insulin in your body and the break down of food. a head injury cant cause diabetes its impossible. maybe a concussion though

When you get a bruise from a car accident you cant go to sleep?

This statement is not true. A bruise is a contusion, which is a fancy word for an injury that causes capillaries to leak blood which causes a bruise. You might be thinking of the word concussion, which is a severe head injury, but without a broken skull. After a head injury or concussion, you should stay awake or have someone check on you every hour and wake you up. The reason is a concussion can cause someone to become unconscious or even die from the brain injury.

What does the world concussion mean?

I believe you mean "what does the word concussion mean?" Cuncussion is when you have had a knock to the head, it doesnt have to be very hard, is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. Frequently defined as a head injury with a temporary loss of brain function , concussion can cause a variety of physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms. Treatment of concussion involves monitoring and rest. Symptoms usually go away entirely within three weeks, though they may persist, or complications may occur. Repeated concussions can cause cumulative brain damage such as dementia pugilistica or severe complications such as second-impact syndrome.

Could a concussion during childhood affect you later in life and if so how much later?

any head injury can cause problems well after it has happened...Please go to the doctor to be evaluated...

What does a top head punch cause?

A concussion.

How is dodge ball dangerous?

Besides leaving a nasty welt, the impact of a dodge ball with the head can cause a concussion, a detachedretina, loosened teeth, or a split tongue. Because it has considerable mass, it does not have to be hard to cause an injury, and helmets do not eliminate the risk.

Is it normal for eyes to swell shut after a concussion?

It's not uncommon and it makes sense. The concussion itself doesn't cause this. However, if you're talking concussion, you're talking about a pretty serious impact. If there's discoloration and signs of bruising around the eyes, I would be inclined to consider this a standard impact injury, e.g. bruising, and call it a collateral injury. If however, you agree that this is a bruising effect (and perhaps if you call your doc and get her to agree too), icepack it. However, if you're concerned, call whoever treated this patient and ask them. It's hard to really know when I can't even see the injury :}

Can a woman get a concussion from a slap on the cheek?

WOW....i wonder why people have to ask such dumb questions sometimes? hmmm.............. .A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. So yes, a slap would be able to cause damage if it jars or shakes the head. I would like to be on that jury as I am assuming that is why the question was asked.

Can you take Tylenol cold multi-symptom after a concussion?

Yes... Neither Tylenol or Tylenol PM would lead to further bleeding (aspirin and ibuprofen are blood thinners and could cause further injury). But if you think you have a concussion, you should seek immediate medical attention because even minor concussions, if left untreated, can cause serious brain injury and may lead to death.

What does non concussive concussion means?

Non concussive is when something soft strikes the head of a human being in a way that not does not cause injury. An example is hitting a soccer ball with your head. It is called a "non concussive blow".

Can a concussion cause heat exhaustion?

No. A concussion is caused by a blow or fall on the head. Heat exhaustion is caused by staying too long in the heat.