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Q: When a cell has become too nutrients can no longer be imported in sufficient quantities and wastes can no longer be exported efficiently?
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When a cell has become too nutrients can no longer be imported in sufficient quantities and wastes can no longer be exported efficiently.?


When a cell has become too nutrients can no longer be imported sufficient quantities and wastes can no longer be exported efficiently?


Is a protein exported from a cell or used inside a cell?

Protein is used inside cells to protect the cell and provide nutrients.

How were the Southern colonies self-sufficient?

The Southern colonies were self-sufficient primarily through their agricultural practices. They relied heavily on cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, which they exported to other colonies and Europe. They also had large plantations with enslaved laborers, which enabled them to produce significant quantities of these cash crops and maintain their economic independence.

When was oil first exported?

i dont know when it was exported but i do know how much they exported, the exported more than 140,000 thousand pounds of oil

How are goods exported in Argentina?

They are exported by ships, trains and trucks.

Where does oil olive get exported to?

Olive oil is exported worldwide.

Is exported a past verb?

Yes, 'exported' is a past tense verb.

What are the major product that are imported and exported in Malaysia?

malaysia products which is exported

What regions of the world is the Persian Gulf petroleum exported?

It is exported to all regions.

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what 2 countries are cocoa beans exported to

What new France exported?

They exported fur, fish, and wood to the French colonies.