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during meiosis

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6y ago
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Mossie Auer

Lvl 13
2y ago

during meiosis

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Jo Kub

Lvl 13
2y ago

during meiosis

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11y ago

The mutation would have occurred during meiosis producing the sperm or the egg cell, or possibly both.

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Olivia Rodrigo

Lvl 2
2y ago

during meiosis.


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13y ago

During meiosis

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8y ago

during meiosis

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If child is born with trisomy when did the mutation occur?

during meiosis

When a child is born chromosomal mutation when did the mutation occur?

During meiosis

When a child is born with a chromosomal mutation when did mutation occur?

during meiosis

Trisomy-21 results from a mutation to the chromosomes in?


What is trisomy mutation?

A trisomy is when a person has 3 versions of a chromosome. 'Normal' humans will only have 2 of each chromosome. For example, having 3 versions of chromosome 21 is known as Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome.

When a child is born with a chromosomol mutation when did the mutation occur?

during meiosis (i believe), its not transcription i know that much

Trisomy is a mutation that results in a cell having an extra?

A trisomy is a condition in which a person has three copies of a chromosome instead of the usual two copies. A person can have full trisomy (three copies in every cell) or mosaic trisomy (three copies in some cells but not all).

When is a child born with trisomy?

During meiosis

If a child is born with down syndrome when did the mutation occur?

During meiosis

Type of mutation that causes Trisomy 18?

Very sure that it is insertion, because there are three chromosome 18s instead of two.

What are mutation that result in death?

These are called fatal genetic mutations. Same examples are: Tay-Sachs disease, Neimann-Pick disease, Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13 are "Edwards Syndrome" and "Patau Syndrome," respectively and Cystic fibrosis

Which mutation cannot occur in a tRNA encoding gene?

nonsense mutation