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Q: When a liquid changes a vapour it takes heat its surroundings?
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What takes place when water vapor changes to a liquid?

condensation. When the water vapour is cooled or comes into contact with a cold objects it condenses back into a liquid

What takes form of its surroundings?


What is a type of vaporization that takes place on the surface of the liquid?

Evaporation s a liquid turning to a vapour. A solid turning directly to a vapour is sublimation

Why does a liquid cool down when its evaporating?

because when it evaporates it takes all the heat in the surroundings with it leaving a cooling effect on the surroundings around it.

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When a gas changes into a liquid what takes place?


What is formed when water vapor cools?

Condensation. Nothing is actually formed, the water vapour changes state to liquid water. Condensation is the process by which the change takes place rather than the product of the cooling.

Does the surroundings air becomes warm or cool when vapour phase of water condenses?

Vapor (or vapour) phase means gas and that means we have to teach the molecules to fly. That takes energy, which means heat, which means the surrounding area gets cooler because the water molecules are taking up heat to evaporate. When the water molecules condense, the reverse happens: they give up that extra heat, turn to liquid, and the surroundings become warmer. It doesn't have to be the surrounding air, it might be the surface on which the water condenses.

What changes takes place when ice turns into liquid?

A phase change.

What is the process that takes place when a liquid changes into a solid?

solidifying - its a changing state of matter

Why the temperature is 100 degrees where a liquid turns to gas?

Because it takes quite a bit of energy to change from one matter to another. So it will stay at 100 degrees celsius until that liquid changes state. By the way I done this experiment. *********************************** At 1000C the saturated vapour pressure of water meets atmospheric pressure. As a result water evaporates.

Why and how does evaporation take place below zero degree celsius?

Sublimation takes place without passing through the liquid phase, straight from solid to vapour.