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Q: When a person sweats water and essential solutes called electrolytes are lost from the body fluid. Michelle drank lots of water but did not replace lost electrolytes what happen to her?
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What solutes are electrolytes?

Strong electrolytes are totally dissociated in water.

What determines the strength of a solute as an electrolyte?

Solutes become electrolytes by ionizing. Ionic compounds therefore make good electrolytes; covalent compounds don't.

What type of solutes are electrolytes when they dissolve in water to form solutions?

AcidsBasesSaltsBecause they all give out ions when they're dissolved in water.

What are three metabolic waste products excreted and eliminated by the urinary system?

The urine is composed of 95% water, and 5% solutes. The solutes are comprised of nitrogenous wastes such as urea, uric acid and creatine. There are also trace amounts of electrolytes and hormones.

Substance in body fluids that determines most of their chemical and physical reactions?

According to Marieb, 8th edition, "Electrolytes are the most abundant solutes in body fluids and determine most of their chemical and physical reactions"

Which solutes when dissolve in water will ionize and form a solution that conducts electricity?

An ionic compound. Because an ionic compound is made up of ions that either carry or donate electrons

Why do solutes dissolve?

Because solutes are smaller.

How do molecular solutes differ from ionic solutes when dissolved in solution?

Molecular solutes will not conduct electricity when dissolved in solution, and ionic solutes will conduct electricity when dissolved in solution.

What are the solutes in air and what are the solvents?

Solutes are substances dissolved in a solvent.

What are the effects of solutes on soutions?

The effect of solutes on solution is that they make the solution reach saturation point when added in excess. The soluble solutes dissolve in the solution whereas the insoluble solutes do not dissolve in the solution.

Are solutions all solids?

Not all solutes are solids.

What is the difference between filtration and reabsorbtion?

Filtration Filtration is accomplished by the movement of fluids from the blood into the bowmans capsule. = Reabsorption = = Reabsorption involves the selective transfer of essential solutes and = water back into the blood.