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Answer #1:

red light is reflected, all others are absorbed


Answer #2:

The pigment, and anything it is shmeared on, appears red to the eye.

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Q: When a pigment reflects the red light what happens?
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What happens when pigment reflects red light?

All of the colors are absorbed.

What happens when the pigment reflects red light?

Answer #1:red light is reflected, all others are absorbed===========================Answer #2:The pigment, and anything it is shmeared on, appears red to the eye.

A red pigment reflects what color?

A pigment that appears to be red is reflecting the "red" portion of the visible light spectrum.

What pigment reflects orange yellow and red and absorbs the other colors to provide energy for photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll reflects red and yellow light.

Colored substance that absorbs or reflects light?

Pigments absorb certain colors of light, and reflect others. For example, chlorophyll is the pigment in plants which absorbs red and violet light, and relects green. This is why many plants appear green.

A molecule that contains atoms enabling it to reflect light is called a pigment?

A molecule that contains atoms enabling it to reflect light is called a pigment.

What primary pigment colors must be mixed to get red?

A pigment that absorbs two primary colors and reflects one is a secondary pigment.Red is a secondary pigment which absorbs green and blue light.-This is according to my physics book! !

Which pigment absorbs red and far red light in plants?

chlorophyll pigment consists of antenna and reaction centres to absorb light energy.there are two regions in this pigment that is-pigment system I which absorbs far red light at 700nm and another is pigment system II which absorbs red light at 680nm.

What makes certain red algae appear red?

They are red due to the pigment phycoerythrin found in the in the phycobilisomes atached to the thylakoid membrane.

What happens when red light hits red paper?

The answer has a lot to do with why you call it "red paper". Could that be becausethe paper absorbs light of any other color, and reflects the red light toward your eyes ?

Does the red shirt absorbs red light?

no, it reflects red light

When red ink is illumined by blue light is most of the light absorbed or reflected?

Absorbed. Your red ink will look black. "Red" is a long wave-length color. "Blue" is a short one. What looks red in white light is a pigment that reflects red. It won't reflect blue, so it will look dark.