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a dipole in induced.

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Q: When a polar molecule attracts the electron in a non polar molecule what happens?
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If a water molecule is neutral why does it attract polar molecules?

A water molecule is polar, which is why it attracts other polar molecules.

What happens if water is a polar molecule?

Water IS a polar molecule.

Do polar molecules attract?

yes. the positive end of the molecule attracts the negative end of the adjacent molecule

Is Cl3 polar or nonpolar?

CHCl3 is a polar molecule. Its electron and molecular geometries are both tetrahedral, yet the Chlorine atoms are more electronegative than the Hydrogen atom, making the molecule polar.

What is an atom that has gained an electron nonpolar molecule or a polor molecule?

The actual answer should be an anion which are polar species.

Is hexane polar or non polar?

Hexane is nonpolar. It consists of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together in a linear structure, resulting in a symmetrical distribution of electron density and no permanent dipole moment.

Why is polypropylene hydrophobic?

Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has an uneven distribution of electrons (draw an electron dot diagram to see). Polar substances attract other polar substances, however polypropylene is non-polar, meaning it has an even distribution of electrons, therefore it will not be attracted to water, instead being repelled by it. similar to polar attracts polar, so does non-polar attract non-polar

Is nl3 polar or non polar?

NI3 is a polar molecule, one must remember that the lone pairs will skew the electron geometry.

The water molecule H2O is polar because it contains two polar single bonds and?

It's polar because the oxygen molecule is more electronegative than both the hydrogen atoms together. This means that the oxygen atom attracts the electron of each hydrogen more strongly than the hydrogens, so the electrons spend more time around the oxygen. Since a hydrogen by itself is neutral, when its electron (negative) is pulled away it becomes (partially) positive. And the oxygen, having more of the electron, becomes more negative. So you now have a molecule with an area of negative charge (the oxygen) and an area of positive charge (the hydrogens). This positive/negative charge within the molecule makes it polar.

Which molecules have polarity?

Every molecule has a polarity. They can either be non-polar (same on both sides) or polar (different on both sides). For example the molecule CO2 is a non-polar molecule. H20 (water) is a polar molecule (due to Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory (VSEPR)).

How is a covalent bond between two atoms affected when each atom attracts electron equally?

they will become polar and will not attract.

Which electron dot diagram represents a polar molecule?

No following, but this is a polar molecule, H2O water Slightly negatively charged on the oxygen end and slightly positively charged on the hydrogen end. Neutral overall.