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competition for resources, leading to natural selection favoring individuals better suited to acquiring those resources. This can result in adaptations in the population that maximize resource acquisition and use efficiency. Over time, this process can lead to ecological balance or extinction if resources become too limited.

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Q: When a population lives in an environment with limited resources the most likely result is?
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What would happen if a population has plenty of food and space and has no competition or predators?

If a population has abudant space and foor, and is protected from predators and disease, then organisms in that population will multiply and the population size will increase.

Which factor will most likely increase the carrying capacity of a mouse population in a forest?

: High rains increase the water supply.

What is most likely to happen to a population of mice that becomes isolated on an island?

Over time, the population of mice is likely to experience genetic drift and inbreeding due to the limited gene pool. This can lead to reduced genetic diversity and increased susceptibility to diseases and genetic disorders. Eventually, the population may face extinction if they are unable to adapt to the unique challenges of their isolated environment.

Which population is most likely to have exponential growth?

Populations with abundant resources, low competition, and ideal environmental conditions are more likely to exhibit exponential growth. These conditions support rapid reproduction and population increase without constraints.

What is this true or false A disease that wiped out the rabbit population in and environment would affect the coyote population in the same environment?

True. If a disease significantly reduced the rabbit population, it would also impact the coyote population in the same environment, as coyotes rely on rabbits as a food source. With fewer rabbits available, the coyote population would likely suffer from decreased food supply, potentially leading to a decline in their population as well.

Related questions

What would most likely cause a large number of density independent deaths in a population?

limited resources

Why are some animals more likely to survive to adulthood than other animals?

This is a tough question, as there are many contributing factors, but the main ones would most likely be Environment, Health, and Resources. -In Resources, an animal's life can be limited by the availability of food, water, and shelter. -In Health, an Animal's life can be limited by plagues, parasites, and predators. -In Environment, not living in a compatible environment can limit an animals health, by giving it incompatible resources. Also, an animal living in a controlled environment, like a zoo, tends to live longer than an animal living in the wild.

Why is a genetically diverse population the more likely to survive a change to the environment?

they are more likely to have individuals with an adaption

When are resources such as water food or sunlight most likely to be limiting factors?

Resources such as water, food, or sunlight are most likely to be limiting factors when a population is approaching the carrying capacity.

Which individuals are most likely to survive and reproduce in a population?

Those who are more adapt to there environment.

What would happen if a population has plenty of food and space and has no competition or predators?

If a population has abudant space and foor, and is protected from predators and disease, then organisms in that population will multiply and the population size will increase.

Can I begin investing even if I currently have limited financial resources?

With many online brokerage companies, you can invest in a mutual fund for as little as $50. Though you are not likely to be a millionaire overnight, investing is not out of the reach of those with limited financial resources.

Which human activity would most likely deplete finite resources?

D uncontrolled population growth

What will most likely happen if sudden changes in an environment occur and no individuals of a population are able to adapt to the changes?

The population will become extinct.

The most likely individuals in a population to survive and reproduce are?

Those best adapted to the environment in which they live.

What are the disadvantages of companies with limited resources?

1) Not recommended to foreign market as it is unwise to do so as it is given the reference to limited resources. 2)Most likely be able to get itself established only in domestic market. 3)Unable to achieve economics of scale.

Which factor will most likely increase the carrying capacity of a mouse population in a forest?

: High rains increase the water supply.