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It may be Parole.

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Q: When a prisoner returned to their state of origin?
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What laws do you go by if the custodial parent moves to another state?

The state that has Jurisdiction. If you still live in the state of origin, file an injunction to get the children returned, plus more. see links below

What is it called when you return a fugitive to the state of his or her crime?

Returning a prisoner from one state to their state of origin is called interstate extradition. It is also referred to as interstate rendition.

Can Iowa extradite me for a failure to appear warrant if I live in Colorado?

All US states and territories honor each other's requests for extradition - there are no 'safe-haven' states - it is impossible to know with certainty whether a particular state will choose to extradite you or not, there are simply too many variables. It may depend on the offense and the seriousness of it and/or how badly they want you returned - most states WILLextradite for felony offenses.

Define Returned Checks?

a check that has been sent back to its origin

What book did Charles Darwin write after he returned to England?

"On the Origin of the Species"

Can a judge sentence a extradidted prisoner to life in prison for murder and then send him back to the previous state?

No, once a prisoner is extradited and sentenced for a crime, they typically serve their sentence in the state where they were convicted. The judge cannot send them back to their previous state after sentencing them to life in prison for murder.

Theories of the State of Origin?

discuss the various theories on the origin of state?

What book did Charles Darwin write when he returned back to England?

origin of species

When was State of Origin series created?

State of Origin series was created in 1982.

What is the average cost per prisoner in state ms?

The average cost per prisoner in the state of Mississippi is approximately $42,000 per year. This cost includes expenses such as housing, food, healthcare, and security measures for each prisoner.

What steps do you need to go through to get a prisoner transferred?

Question is not clear. Transferred from where to where? Within a prison system? Within a state? Extradition of a prisoner state-to-state? What? Please re-word and re-submit.

When do state of origin 2012 tickets go on sale?

state of origin game 3