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Q: When a runner or other long-distance athlete hits the wall the individual is experiencing oxygen debt in muscle cells. In those cells the pyruvate generated in glycolysis would be expected to be conve?
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Where does ATP originate?

Most ATP is manufactured on the cristae of the mitochondria though some is generated in the cytoplasm during glycolysis

In the absence of oxygen hydrogen atoms generated by glycolysis are donated to organic molecules in a process called?


Does eighty percent of the energy generated during the catabolism of glucose to carbon dioxide and water occur during glycolysis?


38 ATP is formed in one glucose. How?

38 ATP are generated bt the oxidation of glucose through GLYCOLYSIS & KREB'S CYCLE.....

In the absence of oxygen hydrogen atoms generated by glycolysis are donated to organic molecules in a process called so that the electron carrier can be recycled?


What do glycolysis and the electron transport chain have in common?

The reduced form of the energy carrying molecules like NADH,FADH2 released from glycolysis send to electron transport system where these energy molecules are further acted by dehydrogenase to remove electrons and ATP is generated.

Substrate level phosphorylation accounts for approximately what percentage of ATP formed during glycolysis?

100%. Substrate level phosphorylation accounts for about 10% of ATP generated by respiration. The other 90% is generated by oxidative phosphorylation.

What can be siphoned off and used he ATP generated during cellular respiration the intermediates of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle?

power the biosynthesis of amino acids, fats, and sugars. From

What are the advantages and disadvantages of glycolysis?

Glycolysis produces large quantities of NADH producing large amounts of energy. Glycolysis can also be carried out throughout the cell, which gives it an advantage over the TCA and Oxidative phosphorylation cycles that occur in the mitochondria. (:

The ATP made during glycolysis is generated by what?

The ATP is molecules are generated during glycolysis in the last reaction of the pathway i.e. with the conversion of phospho enol pyruvate (PEP) to pyruvate by the enzyme pyruvate kinase. Kinases are enzymes that are capable of phosphorylating a substrate. In this case, ADP molecules are phosphorylated to generate ATP molecules In glycolysis, for every molecule of glucose that enters the pathway, two molecules of pyruvate are generated. Therefore, two molecules of ATP are generated with every glycolytic reaction.

How does the cell get glycolysis?

Even though glycolysis is an energy-releasing process, the cell needs to put in a little energy to get things going. At the pathway's beginning, 2 molecules of ATP are used up.Although the cell puts 2 ATP molecules into its account to get glycolysis going, when glycolysis is complete, 4 ATP molecules have been produced. This gives the cell a net gain of 2 ATP molecules. The product of glycolysis is two pyruvate molecules which can then be broken down further for greater net energy gain. In animal cells, in the presence of oxygen, as much as 32 additional ATP can be generated

What come after glycolysis?

After glycolysis you will go through bridging reaction to the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle because of the use of citric acid. the reducing power generated indirectly helps to power oxidative phosphorylation that occurs, which yields a total of 34 ATP's from one glucose molecule. Good luck