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Q: When a solution reaches a point where the solute is evenly distributed?
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Scientifically what is a solution?

Scientifically, a solution is a liquid mixture of a solute and a solvent. The solute is the minor component which is distributed evenly inside the solvent which is the major component.

When you form a solution by mixing everything evenly the solute will turn into what kind of solvent?

when you form a solution by mixing everything evenly, the solute will what into the solvent

What is a solute and solvent that become evenly mixed?

Dissolving I think your referring to Homogenous meaning the solute is equally distributed throughout the solvent.

What is in between a solution and a suspention?

A solution is where the particles of a solute are dispersed evenly throughout the solvent while in a suspension, the particles of the solute are not dispersed evenly eg. Sand and water

When a solute spreads evenly when mixed with solvent?

It becomes a solution.

How is suspension similar to solution?

a solution is when all the substances are evenly distributed and also involves two metals called alloys; results when the solute dissolves in a solvent. suspension is a uniform mixture that contains particles large enough to see.

What happens when a solution reaches the saturation point?

Saturation is the point a solution reaches where no more solute will dissolve in the solvent.

What a solute mean in science?

the solution mean two substance mix evenly

What is the difference in a solvent and solute?

The solvent is the majority of the solution. It dissolves the solute. The solute is the lesser amount in the solution. It is spread evenly within the solution so you can't see it. An example is salt water. The solvent would be water, and the solute would be salt. You don't see the salt because it's molecules are spread evenly within the water molecules.

Is a solution a combination of two or more substances mixed evenly?

A solution is a solute and a solvent mixed together. For example, if you mix salt (the solute) and water (the solvent) together, you then create a solution (eg. The sea)

Are solutions always liquid Explain?

Yes, a solution is always a liquid. A solution is defined as: a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent). In other words, a small amount of a dry component (usually a powder) is dissolved into a liquid and is evenly distributed throughout it. The solute will not come out of the liquid by itself, but will remain equally mixed unless acted on by outside factors (like boiling).

What happens when onel material forms a solutions with another material?

a solute and solvent are added together to form a solution. the solvent is the liquid and the solute is the substance that is dissolved by the solvent and together, they form a solution! yay!!