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Yes it absolutely does. Large stars that do not turn into black holes collapse into extremely dense objects called pulsars. They are thought to be perfect spheres and spin at a rate of about 30 revs per second.

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yes according to pavloczynki's theorem

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Q: When a star collapses does it spin faster?
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Why do pulsars spin so fast?

Because of the conservation of rotational momentum. As a stars core collapses, it retains the original rotational velocity. As a pulsar or neutron star's original size was in the region of 60,000 time greater that it's current form, the rotational speed is multiplied by this factor. Maintaining the rotational momentum requires the star to spin faster.

How do pulsars spin so fast?

Because of the conservation of rotational momentum. As a stars core collapses, it retains the original rotational velocity. As a pulsar or neutron star's original size was in the region of 60,000 time greater that it's current form, the rotational speed is multiplied by this factor. Maintaining the rotational momentum requires the star to spin faster.

What star does not spin?

All stars rotate (spin). Some spin faster than others, but all stars will rotate as without this rotation, the star will literally fall into space.

What do you call it when a star explodes as a supernova and collapses?

pulsar star and if it collapses even more a Black hole.

What is a star's second stage?

The first stage in a star's life is as a nebula. As the gravitational forces spin faster, the star enters it's second stage, that of a prostar.

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What is believed to be created when a star collapses?


What can be formed when a star collapses?

Depending on the size of the star: a neutron star or a black hole-

The super-nova is what stage in the life of a star?

The death stage. It explodes and either collapses into a neutron star or collapses even more into a black hole in space.

What is the duration of Spin Star?

The duration of Spin Star is 2700.0 seconds.

What happens when massive stars collapse?

The collapses star gets squeezed by collapses gas and turns into a black hole.

When a star collaspeses what will form?

when a star collapses it is called a supernova, i learned about it in science today!