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Q: When a stimulus of 7.0 V was applied to the muscle the active force recorded was?
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What is the relationship between amplitude of muscle response and voltage of stimulus applied?

The relationship between the amplitude of muscle response and the voltage of the stimulus is generally linear. As the voltage of the stimulus increases, the muscle response increases in amplitude up to a certain point. Beyond that point, further increases in voltage may not significantly increase the muscle response amplitude or could lead to muscle fatigue or damage.

What is the premotor phase of reaction time?

The time it takes from recognizing a stimulus to the initiation of a muscle response (the muscle response can be recorded using an EMG).

In a recording of a muscle twitch the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called?

Latent period

How does the threshold stimulus influence muscle contraction?

The threshold stimulus is the stimulus required to create an action potential. So any stimulus under this level will not cause muscle contraction, while a stimulus above this level will cause the muscle to contract. The higher the stimulus the more muscle fibers are recruited, and thus the higher the response.

Why is the sodium potassium pump important factor of primary active transport?

The sodium potassium pump uses ATP to reach the stimulus and move muscle tissue (primarily skeletal muscle). The threshold stimulus must be reached in order to carry out the full signal.

Stimulus at which the muscle first contracts perceptibly?

Threshold stimulus

What is the lowest stimulus voltage that induces active force in the skeletal muscle?

It is called the threshold voltage and is around -70 mvolts.

What does the long refractory period observed in cardiac muscle mean?

it means that no matter what stimulus is applied the cardiac muscle will not be able to contract

What has happened in the muscle when the maximal stimulus is achieved?

Each of the individual muscle fibers in the muscle are contracted when the maximal stimulus is achieved. Dr. H.

What is the definition of maximal stimulus?

The maximal stimulus is the strongest stimulus that produces increased muscle contractile force.

What phase is between stimulus of a muscle and the shortening of the muscle?


What result would be expected if an additional stimulus equal in intensity to the first were applied to the muscle at the 60 millisecond time point?

the muscle would increase in tension to a level greater than that measured at the beginning of phase C.