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Q: When a swan lays an egg how do you know if it will hatch?
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Does a swan hatch from an egg?


What a hen does for an egg to hatch is called?

The hen LAYS on the egg

What is a Monarch Butterfly's young?

A Monarch lays eggs, and an egg will hatch into a caterpillar.

How long to hatch a mute swan egg?

Put them in an incubater!

If a hen lays an egg without sitting on it when will it hatch?

Depends if the egg has been fertilized by the cock, and the temperature of the enviroment.

Will an egg laid without a rooster present develop into a chick?

If a hen is in with NO rooster, and lays an egg, then that egg is infertile and cannot hatch.

What to do when iguana lays egg?

Let them hatch and just wait if you are nervous call the vet.

Are tarantulas born alive or egg?

The female tarantula lays eggs, which hatch out into tiny spiderlings.

What to do if a peahen lays eggs on your patio?

If you want it to hatch make sure she sits on it if not take the egg.

How is an echidina born?

An echidna is a monotreme (egg laying mammal). The female lays eggs that hatch.

How long a mother hen lays it eggs?

=It takes about 6-8 weeks for an egg to hatch.=

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egg,tadpole,tadpole with legs ans tail and frog