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Q: When a switch is closed in an electrical circuit do electrons flow through the conductor?
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What is the steady flow of electrons through a conductor?

The terminology for a steady flow of electrons through a conductor is called the current of the circuit.

What does an electrical circuit need to provide the power?

An electrical circuit needs Voltage-electrical pressure pushing electrons, and Amprege-electron flow through a conductor. P=IxE (Power= Voltage x Amprege.

A closed path through which electrons can flow is?

A closed path through which electrons flow is known as a circuit.

Created around a conductor when electrons flow through that conductor?

Then an 'electrical current' is said to be present in the conductor.

Why is heat observed when current flows through the circuit?

The heat observed in a circuit is the result of electrical resistance.Under normal circumstances, every electrical circuit has a certain amount of resistance to the flow of electricity. Electronflow opposed by the physical nature of the conductor. This is the fundamental nature of electrical resistance. Whenever this happens, the energy of those electrons is absorbed by the conductor (as opposed to flowing through) which then emitts this captured energy as heat. The higher a conductor's resistance, the more electrical energy is converted to heat by it.

The constant flow of electrons through a complete circuit?

That is called electrical current.

What is the difference between a electrical conductor and a electrical nonconductor?

Simply put an conductor is a material that lets free electrons flow through it. When free electrons are flowing that is called current. So an electrical conductor will have current pass through. Non-conductive material will not allow these electrons to flow and no electricity can be passed through. Good conductors have almost no resistance to electron flow.

What do you call a path along which electricity travels?

an open circuit

What changes electrical energy into heat?

when electrons flow through a conductor then the material of the conductor offers resistance to excite the electrons in the conductor to release heat energy.

What do you call the movement of electrons through a conductor?

Electron flow; also known as electrical current.

What is the voltage source and what is the conductor in a circuit?

The voltage source is the source of the electricity. The conductor is what the electricity flows through to reach its destination. Example: A battery is a voltage source and an electrical wire is the conductor.

Why does current flow through a conductor explain?

The valence band electrons in a conductor are free to drift as an electron gas filling the conductor, in response to an electrical field imposed across the conductor/