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Q: When a translation ends what happens to the new amino acid chain?
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What happens to the new amino acid chain when translation ends?

It folds into a protein When translation ends, the new amino acid chain folds into a protein.

When translation end what happens to the new amino acids?

It folds into a protein When translation ends, the new amino acid chain folds into a protein.

Which structure will become the product of translation?

The ribosome is the structure that facilitates translation in the cell. It reads mRNA and assembles a polypeptide chain by linking together amino acids in the correct order based on the instructions encoded in the mRNA.

What is produced by translation amino chain strain of RNA DNA or nucleic acid chain?


What is the role of tRNA durning translation?

A tRNA molecule brings an amino acid from the cytoplasm to its correct location on the mRNA molecule at the ribosome where it will be added to the amino acid chain. A tRNA molecule has an anticodon that is complimentary to a specific mRNA codon for a particular amino acid.

What happens to the new amino acid chain?

its modified and used whereever its needed.

Each codon calls for a specific?

amino acid

What is the role of tRNA during translation apex?

It moves the amino acids into a chain.--APEX

What is produced after translation?

A protein - apex don't listen to the guy above

What is End Product of Translation?

A polypetide molecule of an amino acid chain. When amino acids bond they make a peptide bond between them and use dehydration synthesis meaning an H from the amino group in the amino acid bonds with the OH in the carboxal group of an amino acid creating H2O and then the water is released which is dehydration synthesis. When the amino acids bond they form a protein and the placement of the amino acid goes by the mRNA. So the final product of translation is a protein.

Why does a protein need an amino acid chain?

A protein is by definition, a chain of amino acids.

What codons mapped to two different amino acids What would the effect be on your translation of coded messages What would the effect be on the production of proteins?

There is no codon that codifies for two amino acids. The explanation is easy considering that the codon must be recognized by the tRNA that carries a particular amino acid that is going to be coupled into the growing polypeptide chain during translation event. If for any reason there is a codon that codifies for two amino acids it would be an important cause that the translation from mRNA to protein be with multiple errors in amino acid secquence as there is no molecule that discriminates which amino acid should be coupled in the nascent polypeptide chain.