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Q: When a woman is fertile and she engaged sex during the first day of her ovulation does she remains fertile after having sex on that day?
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Is it fertile during ovulation?

Yes. But the day before your last day of ovulation is the most fertile.

Can you be infertile if you don't get pregnant during ovulation?

It is possible. But you could be fertile.

Can you get pregnant during fertility?

That is what fertility means, the ability to get pregnant. Right after ovulation, a female is the most fertile.

When is woman most fertile after her period?

A woman is most fertile during ovulation and around a week beforehand when she is producing fertile quality cervical mucus. During a 28 day cycle this will be around days 7-16: ovulation occurs around two weeks before menstruation and there can be a viable egg for up to 48 hours. Unless a woman uses fertility awareness method you cannot know when you are fertile or not.

How long after your period are your fertile?

It depends on your own menstrual cycle - you could only know when you were fertile or not if using a method such as fertility awareness method. During the average 28 day menstrual cycle a woman will likely be fertile between days 7-16 - ovulation occurs on day 14 so there may be a viable egg for up to 48 hours, also women are fertile for a week prior to ovulation whenre there is fertile cervical mucus.

Is a woman fertile 3 days after her period?

It depends on her cycle, but very likely. A woman is fertile during ovulation (which is typically two weeks before menstruation) and up to a week beforehand when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - thus during an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile potentially days 7-16 of her cycle.

At what stage during ovulation do the egg get released?

the 14th day

Is the girl fertile before her period?

Unlikely. A woman will ovulate around 14 days before menstruation, and she is fertile up to 7 days before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present. At most even if multiple eggs are realeased during ovulation there is still only a viable egg present for up to 48 hours after the start of ovulation - thus by the time a woman is due to menstruate any eggs released during ovulation are long dead. There are exceptions - for example a woman may have a very short luteal phase (phase between ovulation and menstruation) so she may ovulate less than 14 days before her period. Women can also bleed thinking it's menstruation when actually it's not. The only way to tell for certain when a woman is fertile or not is if she uses fertility awareness method to monitor her cycles on a daily basis.

Can women get pregnant 17 days after her period?

A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex during ovulation or for the week prior when there is fertile cervical mucus present - but without tracking her cycles with FAM she can't know when she is fertile or not, so she must always assume she is fertile. Thus if a woman does not use birth control then she could get pregnant 17 days after her period.

Is ovulation a period?

A woman's fertile period during her menstrual cycle, on average, lasts about seven days: seven days before ovulation (the release of the egg), the day of ovulation, and the day after ovulation. After this, chances of conception decrease quickly, as the egg has a short life-span of about 24 hours.

A mature egg is released from the ovary during a process called?


How many eggs are made during ovulation?

No eggs are made during ovulation.