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Q: When air is heated it a contracts b becomes heavier c condenses d expands?
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Are clouds made of molecules of pure oxygen?

No, clouds are made of water that is heated up so it raises. It then condenses and becomes clouds. The cloud the gets tighter and tighter filled and the water gets heavier and heavier and then it falls down as rain.

As heavier elements are formed by fusion a massive star expands into?

Stellar evolution

Does a gas become heavier than air when it condenses into a liquid?

This depends on the gas.

What happens to water as it gets denser?

If you mean when the number of water molecules increases in an area, then it becomes heavier, by volume. But if you mean when it cools down and becomes ice, then it becomes a crystalline structure and it actually expands and thereby becomes lighter than the surrounding area and floats. Sorry for two answers, I wasn't sure what exactly you meant. :)

As heavier elements are formed by fusion a massive star expands into a what?

A super giant

Why does air rise when it is hot?

When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.

What does air do when it cools?

It becomes more dense and heavier.

What becomes heavier after getting burnt?

Wood becomes heavier after getting burnt because the water content is reduced during the burning process, leaving behind mainly the carbon content in the form of ash, which is denser.

What happens when heavier elements are formed by fusion then a massive star expands?

yes as heavy elements are used for fuel the star expands this is what will happen to the earth it will swell to a red giant engulfing the inner 3 planets as it slowly dies

What becomes larger when it changes it jacket but does not become heavier?


What becomes heavier after you use it?

Lucy says a milk bottle

What happens when you take a rock from earth to the moon?

The earth becomes a litle lighter and the moon becomes a little heavier.