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Lucy says a milk bottle

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Q: What becomes heavier after you use it?
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What does air do when it cools?

It becomes more dense and heavier.

What becomes heavier after getting burnt?

Magnesium becomes heavier after it is burnt. This is because the magnesium has chemically bonded with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. The oxygen adds the extra weight.

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What happens when you take a rock from earth to the moon?

The earth becomes a litle lighter and the moon becomes a little heavier.

Why does a bike get heavier after rusting?

because the iron combines with the oxygen and hydrogen which makes it rust and heavier

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Paper becomes heavier after absorbing elements

Is there any material that becomes heavier when submerged in water and lighter when it is taken out?

A porous object absorb water and is heavier. In air the water is evaporated and the object become lighter.

Why does Percy's backpack getting heavier?

Percy's backpack gets heavier because it absorbs weapons and items that get thrown into it, due to being enchanted with a magic spell. The more items and weapons that are placed inside, the heavier the backpack becomes.

How do you use the word heavier in a sentence?

John said, "The bag was heavier than it looks.""A bowling ball is heavier than a feather."

Can I use a lightweight scarf with curtains that are heavier and of a different material?

You can use a lightweight scarf with a heavier curtain and it will not make a difference . The lightweight scarf will acctually hold better than a heavier one .

What fuel is used by red giant stars?

After using up its hydrogen-1, the star becomes a red giant. It will start fusing helium-4 into heavier elements. It may also fuse heavier elements, to get other elements that are yet heavier.

Disadvantages of using tube in tubeless tires?

A tubeless tire is a tire that does not use an inner tube. A couple disadvantages are they are heavier which results in a decrease in mileage and if the tire becomes punctured it is more expensive to fix.