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ground state

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Q: When all electrons in an atom are in orbitals with the lowest possible energy the atom is in its what state is it in?
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When do all electrons in an atom have the lowest possible energies?

This is called the "ground state", all electrons occupy the orbitals of lowest energy available to them.

What is the term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies?

The term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies is "ground state." In this state, electrons are in their lowest energy levels or orbitals, closest to the nucleus. Excited states refer to when electrons are in higher energy levels, further away from the nucleus.

The electrons to enter orbitals of lowest energy first?

Aufbau principle

Which is the lowest energy level that contains d orbitals?

The lowest energy level that has F orbitals is the fourth energy level. The Atomic orbital of any atom only contains 2 electrons.

What is aufba rule?

Electrons will occupy orbitals having the lowest energy first, and then in order of increasing energy.

Which state are electrons at their lowest possible energy level?


What state are electrons at their lowest possible energy level?


What is the lowest level having f orbital?

The lowest energy level that has F orbitals is the fourth energy level. The Atomic orbital of any atom only contains 2 electrons.

What best describes how electrons fill orbitals in the Periodic Table?

Answer: Aufbau Principal Aufbau Principal: fills from the lowest energy to the highest energy level

What is the tendency of electron to enter orbitals of lowest energy first?

Nature prefers low energy. It is thus energetically favorable to do so.

What is the lowest level to allow f orbitals?

the lowest energy level to allow f orbitals is the fourth energy level

How many unpaired electrons does phosphorus have in its 3p sub level?

3. Orbitals are filled one electron at a time, putt ting electrons into the lowest energy orbitals first. When there are degenerate orbitals ( having the same energy e.g. p and d orbitals) they tale one un paired electron each first and then and then any extra electrons are added into a half filled orbital to make a spin pair. P has a configuration of [Ne] 3s2 3p3 and there are only three p orbitals ( at any energy level)