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it is functions that goes all around you and body

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Q: When an object is speeding up or slowing down or turning what is it?
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When an object is speeding up or slowing down or turning what is it called?

Force greater than gravity

When acceleration and velocity vectors are pointing in opposite directions the object is?

This would indicate negative acceleration, which would mean that the object in question is speeding up.

What are 3 ways acceleration apply to diving?

Speeding up, slowing down, and turning.

What happens if the acceleration vector of an object is directed parallel to the velocity vector?

a. the object is turning b. the object is not moving c. the object is speeding up d. the object is slowing down e. this situation would not be physically possible

When does an object have no acceleration?

When it is stationary, or when the velocity is constant. If it is speeding up or slowing down, it has acceleration.

An object is neither speeding up nor slowing down travels at a?

Constant Speed

How does the direction of the acceleration along determine if the object is speeding up or slowing down?

Take the component of the acceleration along the direction the object is moving. If this component is positive (the acceleration vector, or the relevant component, points in the same direction as the movement), then the object is speeding up.

What are 5 ways an object can accelerate?

don't know, only three though

An object that is accelerating maybe slowing down or speeding up?

yes the acceleration can take a negative value. for example an object with an accleration of -2 ms-2 would be slowing down. However this is normally called deceleration.

Can an object be accelerated without speeding up or slowing down?

Yes, it can move in a curve.

What is positive and negative acceleration?

Positive acceleration = speeding up. Negative acceleration = slowing down.

What occurs any time an object speeds up or slows down or changes direction?

Acceleration. Acceleration is change in velocity. Velocity is its speed and direction. So when one of these things changes, it is undergoing acceleration. Acceleration can be the object speeding up, slowing down, turning right, turning left, etc. Deceleration is lowering the rate of change. You are experiencing no change if you are moving in a straight line at a constant speed.