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Q: When an object is traveling in a circle it is accelerating but what is in constanly changing?
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An object traveling in a circle is accelerating because it is constantly changing?

An object traveling in circular motion is constantly changing because its 'direction' is constantly changing due to the circular motion. The speed may be unchanging say, 5 miles per hour but the direction may be going form East to North to West to South and then back to East, say in counter clockwise motion.

An ice skater glides around a rink at a constant speed of 2 ms is the skater acceleratng explain your answer?

Acceleration is change in velocity. These are vectors that have magnitude and direction. Changing either magnitude (speed) or direction will have the skater be accelerating. SO, if the skater is going at a constant speed of 2m/s in a straight line, he is not accelerating. If he is at a constant speed of 2m/s traveling in a circle (you gave the word "around"), he is accelerating. Going around in circles means there is a force constantly changing your direction. Obviously that force is coming from the skaters legs.

Why is something accelerating when it is traveling in a circle?

Something is accelerating when it is traveling in a circle because the direction of its velocity is changing.It is important to understand that a velocity not only has a magnitude but it also has a direction. In general, if the magnitude and/or direction of an object's velocity is changing, we say that it is accelerating.Again, if something is traveling and only the direction that it is traveling changes, we still say it is accelerating because the direction that it is traveling is changing.This is the case when something is traveling in a circle at constant speed. If you where to represent its velocity by a vector you would find that while the magnitude of the vector does not change over time, the direction of the vector does. In fact, over a very short period of time, if you where to represent the change in direction of its velocity by a vector, you would find that that "difference vector" points directly toward the center of the circle.Again, this is all a bit confusing because when we generally use the word "accelerate" we mean that something is speeding up. However one just has to get use to the idea that when something is accelerating, it may be that only the direction of its velocity is changing and not necessarily the magnitude of its velocity.To learn more about this go to the related links below.

When is a time where speed does not change but the object is still accelerating?

Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity. Velocity is a vector. It has a magnitude ( speed ) and a directio. If either the speed or the direction of motion changes the object is accelerating. Example; an object moving in a circle at constant speed is accelerating because its direction is continually changing.

Describe a situation in which the car has zero speed but has a definite acceleration?

An object moving at constant speed in a circle. Acceleration is rate of change of velocity, as velocity is speed in a certain direction, when moving in a circle an object's velocity is constantly changing, as its velocity is changing it is accelerating.

An object traveling in a circle is accerlerating because it is constantly changing?

direction. A moments consideration and it should be plain to see that the direction of the velocity is constantly changing. This requires an acceleration which is given as a = v2/r

Why are you always accelerating when you ride a carousel?

Because you are traveling in a curved path. Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity. A vector has both a magnitude and a direction. Even if you move at uniform speed in a circle, your velocity is constantly changing, because your direction is changing. The acceleration is also a vector, and points in the direction that the velocity is changing. To speak more precisely, the acceleration is the first time derivative of the velocity, while the velocity is the first time derivative of the position.

Describe a situation in which an object accelerates without changing speed?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time, so velocity must always be changing if the object is accelerating. HOWEVER, you said speed which means only magnitude, not direction. If you stay the same speed, but change direction then you are accelerating. Simple answer: when you are going the same speed in a circle - velocity changes, therefore acceleration changes.

Why is circular motion with constant speed called accelerated motion?

Acceleration is defined as change in velocity. Velocity is speed and direction. So when you're going round in a circle (circular motion), you're changing direction constantly, therefore changing velocity and therefore accelerating.

What does koi swimming in a circle mean?

I have 7 Koi fish in a pond, 1 of the fish constanly stays on the surface and swims in circles. what does this mean

When an object is accelerating its speed is?

You want me to say that the speed of an accelerating object is changing (or increasing), but I won't say it because it isn't necessarily so. The speed of the object may be constant even though it is undergoing acceleration. Acceleration means that velocity is changing. Velocity involves direction as well as speed. Acceleration may change the direction without changing the speed. Would you like an example ? The moon is revolving around the earth once a month in an orbit that is very nearly the shape of a circle. Assume for a moment that the moon's orbit really is a perfect circle. Then its speed is the same at every point in its monthly trip around the earth, never changing. But the direction of its motion is constantly changing, in order to remain on the circle. Since the direction is changing, this is acceleration, even though the moon's speed is constant.

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