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Q: When analyzing the results of a scientific experiment Kevin should base his conclusion on?
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What are the results from an experiment called?

The results of an experiment are called your data.

What is the is the order of the scientific method?

The scientific method is the...... 1. Question 2. Background research 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Conclusion 6. Results

A method for conducting and analyzing an experiment?

Scientific Method: Asking a question - the main reason for your experiment is to find something out. Ask it here. Forming a hypothesis - the format of If..., then..., because... Which states what you think will happen and why. Testing the hypothesis - this is the actual experiment or test. Analyze data to form a conclusion - interpret the results and then come up with your final statement on what happened. This should answer the original question unless your experiment was unsuccessful. Analyzing data may also include making a chart, table, or graph.

Which step in the scientific method is next after collecting data?

The steps of scientific inquiry are:Ask a QuestionDo Background ResearchConstruct a HypothesisTest Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment, and collect the data.Analyze Your Data and Draw a ConclusionCommunicate Your Results

What are the scientific methods of testing a hypothesis?

An experiment. The scientific method is on 6 steps, and to test your hypothesis would be an experiment. Hope this helped :)ALSO:The steps of the scientific method are to:Ask a QuestionDo Background ResearchConstruct a HypothesisTest Your Hypothesis by Doing an ExperimentAnalyze Your Data and Draw a ConclusionCommunicate Your Results

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What are the steps to doing a good science fair project board?

Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Results, Conclusion, Analyzing and Interpreting Data, Scientific Method, and reason. Good luck!

What is the last step in the scientific method?

The last step in the scientific method is drawing a conclusion based on the results of the experiment and analyzing whether the hypothesis was supported or refuted by the data collected.

Which part of the scientific method is based on the results of an experiment?

The part of the scientific method that is based on the results of an experiment is drawing conclusions. This step involves analyzing the data collected during the experiment to determine whether the hypothesis is supported or not.

What are the results from an experiment called?

The results of an experiment are called your data.

What are the scientific words that have to do with the scientific method?

problem question hypothesis materials procedure experiment data results conclusion

What is the is the order of the scientific method?

The scientific method is the...... 1. Question 2. Background research 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Conclusion 6. Results

A method for conducting and analyzing an experiment?

Scientific Method: Asking a question - the main reason for your experiment is to find something out. Ask it here. Forming a hypothesis - the format of If..., then..., because... Which states what you think will happen and why. Testing the hypothesis - this is the actual experiment or test. Analyze data to form a conclusion - interpret the results and then come up with your final statement on what happened. This should answer the original question unless your experiment was unsuccessful. Analyzing data may also include making a chart, table, or graph.

What was Francis Bacon's scientific method?

Francis Bacon is credited with creating the Scientific Method, which is used in experimentation to this day. His method involved coming up with a question, checking for existing research, forming a hypothesis, conducting an experiment, analyzing the results, and coming to a conclusion.

Do you write a conclusion before the results in a chemical experiment?

In a scientific paper or report, the conclusion usually comes after the results section. The results section presents the raw data and findings, which are then interpreted in the conclusion section to discuss the implications of the results and how they support the hypothesis or research question.

Which step in the scientific method is next after collecting data?

The steps of scientific inquiry are:Ask a QuestionDo Background ResearchConstruct a HypothesisTest Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment, and collect the data.Analyze Your Data and Draw a ConclusionCommunicate Your Results

What do you look for when analyzing the results of an experiment?

you look for stuff

What is it called when your done with a experiment to prove how you got your answer?

It is called providing a conclusion or summarizing the findings of the experiment. This involves analyzing the data collected, drawing connections to the original hypothesis, and discussing the implications of the results on the research question.