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Q: When and where did the Sumerian society begin?
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Who The foundation of Sumerian society?

Early Sumerian society was a highly collectivized group. In such a group, women as caregivers, are generally considered the foundation of society.

Who was the foundation of sumerian society?

Early Sumerian society was a highly collectivized group. In such a group, women as caregivers, are generally considered the foundation of society.

How did that affect society?

Trading had a great impact on the Sumerian society.

Where was sumerian society organized?


Where was the Sumerian society organized?


How did the sumerian religion affect Sumerian's society?

I don't know ask a history teacher

When did the Sumerian Empire begin?

4000 b.C.

Where did Sumerian writing begin?

Sumeria, obviously.

Why were priests important in the sumerian society and what was their role in the society?

They new the will of the gods.