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The first shots fired were April 12, 1861 at Ft. Sumter, Charleston Harbor. SC.

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Q: When and where did the fighting of the U.S. Civil War begin?
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When did the fighting in the US Civil War begin?

April 12, 1861 southern troops began the first shots of the war in Charleston harbor of Ft. Sumter.

What country was fighting in a civil war 153 years ago?

the US

When the US military draft begin?

The US military draft began in the US Civil War (1861-1865).

What parts of us were fighting in civil war?

the northern states and southern states in the eastern us.

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Pearly Harbor

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The US general in the Civil War was...?

As might be expected, the Union had a number of officers with the rank of general in the US Civil War. At the end of the war, however, US Grant was in charge of the Union's fighting forces.

How was the American Civil War different from previous wars America was in?

The civil war was different because in the civil war it was northern America fighting southern America. in other wars it was all of America fighting a different country. They were fighting because the South (or the Confederates) wanted to keep slavery in the US. The North ( or the union) was fighting to abolish slavery in the US. Of course, the North won.

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Anytime a nation is fighting itself (normally WITHOUT outside help) it is generally considered a civil war. The US Civil War (1861-1865) was also called the US War of Rebellion. Which is why the Southerners in the US Civil War were called "Rebels."

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