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On the side of the wound

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Q: When applying a pressure dressing where do you tie the first knot?
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What is direct pressure and elevation?

Direct pressure is the first and most effective method to control bleeding. In many cases, bleeding can be controlled by applying pressure directly (Fig. 3-1) to the wound. Place a sterile dressing or clean cloth on the wound, tie a knot or adhere tape directly over the wound, only tight enough to control bleeding. If bleeding is not controlled, apply another dressing over the first or apply direct pressure with your hand or fingers over the wound. Direct pressure can be applied by the casualty or a bystander. Under no circumstances is a dressing removed once it has been applied.Raising (elevation) of an injured arm or leg (extremity) above the level of the heart will help control bleeding.

You realize you must first treat yourself prior to treating your buddies To quickly treat your own wound?

apply a clean dressing over the wound. Wrap a bandage around your thigh and tie the knot directly over the wound to provide direct pressure

Where is the weakest point on a balloon?

The weakest point on a balloon is typically the area where the rubber or latex material is thinnest, such as the tip or near the knot. Applying pressure or sharp objects to these areas can cause the balloon to rupture easily.

What is the techiques of dressing a head injury where there is an open wound?

A first responder's priority is to control the bleeding, loss of blood means loss of Oxygen, Heat and Life Sustaining Fluids. =Don't worry too much about how the dressing looks / what dressing to use / what knot to use - when us Paramedics arive on site we aren't going to give you marks for neetness!=Note: Do not put any pressure onto a head wound in the attempt to stop the bleeding because if theres a skull fracture, you might push bony fragments straight into the brain!

What are limitations of overhand knot?

It slides apart under pressure.

When making a sling what knot should be tied?

When making a sling in first aid, the knot is usually a reef knot.

What is a hurricane knot?

The hurricane knot is a loop knot that can be tied and opened hunder pressure. It is secure if it stays under permanent pressure. It can be used to tie down airplanes. Here is a description by Ells, Steven W. (in AOPA PILOT September 2007): Potts' hurricane knot is tied by taking all the slack out of the rope and applying a slight tension before wrapping the free end of the rope twice around the length of rope between the airplane and the anchor and pulling the second wrap tight so it jams. This wrapping and jamming is repeated twice and the the end is secured down the tiedown rope with half a hitch.

Although your Buddies need medical aid quickly you notice that your three-inch jagged cut is continuously bleeding dark red blood You realize you must first treat yourself prior to treating your bud?

Apply a clean dressing over the wound. Wrap a bandage around your thigh, and tie a knot directly over the wound to apply direct pressure.

What knot should you use when tying off a bandage?

The most common knot used when tying a bandage is known as the reef knot. The reef knot is used for a variety of reasons. It is tidy, easy to tie and untie and it is secure so the bandage does not come loose.

What type of knot is a good knot for first aid?

Reef knots are used for first aid because they lay flat and are easily undone.

How do you make a half granny knot?

The Granny Knot, also known as a Thief's Knot, results from a second step after making an Overhand Knot. The Granny Knot is simply the improper completion of what would otherwise be a Square Knot. The first half of this is properly referred to as an Overhand Knot, but is also called a Thumb Knot and a Common Knot. So, what you have really asked is how to make an Overhand Knot. This is formed by taking one free end of a line and going once around the same line (often at the other end of the line) and pulling taut. This is the first action done with a shoelace when tying shoes. This knot is not properly called a half granny knot, but should be called an Overhand Knot.

Although your Buddies need medical aid quickly you notice that your three inch jagged cut is continuously bleeding dark red blood You realize you must first treat yourself prior to treating your bud?

In the interest of time, you may want to skip flushing the wound with clean water and just apply the dressing and bandage with the knot over the wound to apply pressure. You need to get to your buddies.