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Q: When are SS checks electronically deposited?
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Who signs President Obamas paycheck?

He is paid by the US treasury. I would guess the US treasurer's stamped signature appears on it. It is quite likely that his checks are deposited electronically into his account.

will Decembers checks be deposited early?

Yes the December 26th checks will be.

Are employers liable for overdraft if funds not electronically deposited?

No. Paychecks, whether electronically deposited or printed on paper, may indeed be (rarely) delayed, and you should plan for such eventualities. It is the account-holder's responsibility to be sure funds are available to cover the checks written, withdrawals, and automatic payments which are deducted from the account in question. Making withdrawals when the money is not available in the account to cover it is illegal, even if the banks would rather charge you a fee than prosecute.

What is the high and the low SS checks?

social security checks the high amount

What time are tax checks deposited?

they will find a way to get it from u.

What day of month are disability social security checks mailed?

When will disability social security checks be deposited in july 2014

Can a post-dated check be deposited before the post date?

yes it can be deposited since checks can be posted before their maturity date

Does target take personal checks?

Yes, they put them through electronically in 24 to 48 hrs

How long is SC state tax refund checks good for?

Checks should be deposited within 6 months of their date of issue.

Are the social security checks going to be send out and August?

Since SS checks are issued on Wednesday, and Aug 31, 2013 is on a Saturday, the answer, in the short run, is no.However, the last batch of checks is issued on the third Wednesday of each month, which means that it is mathematically impossible to have a payout later than 28th of any month.So, the answer will always be "No," regardless of month or year.

How long cani expexct myrefund if I filed electrronically?

How long will it take to get my PA refund if I filed electronically and it was to be deposited directly in my bank?

What checks can be deposited into an estate bank account?

Checks made payable to the Estate, or to the Trustee of the Estate in their capacity as Trustee, and/or to the individual for whom the Estate is named.