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Yes It's true there is 2,584,857 Kids that live in Tennessee

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2mo ago

In Tennessee, most deer kids are born in late May to early July. This period aligns with the peak of the fawning season in the state.

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Were any presidents born in Tennessee If so who and when?

No president was actually born in Tennessee. Jackson, Polk and Andrew Johnson lived in Tennessee most of their adult lives.

How many president were born in Tennessee?

Although Presidents Jackson, Polk and A. Johnson and Vice President Gore represented Tennessee when elected, no U. S. President or Vice President to date has been born in Tennessee.

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The raccoon is the official state wild animal. The Tennessee Walking Horse is the official state horse. Tennessee's state reptile is the eastern box turtle.

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Is Andrew Johnson from the north?

No, he was born in North Carolina and spent most of his life in Tennessee. He was representing the state of Tennessee in the Senate when it seceded from the union.

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Actually he only lived in Memphis, Tennessee for most of his life. He was born in Columbia, MO.

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The most emo people I've ever seen where in Tennessee near gatlinburg and pigeon-forge but I still didn't see very many there.

What month are white tail deer fawns born?

spring or early summer, most likely

What temps do white tailed deer move around the most?

Most optimum temps for best deer movement is in the 30s . This is when I have seen most of my deer in Indiana .

What is the most made crop in Tennessee?

The most produced crops in Tennessee are:SoybeansCornCottonTobaccoWheat

Where in the world do the most deer live?

most of the deer live in south america/canada/INN/. but if this is your answer most deer live in the woods.

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69. A women in Russa.