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>bombarded by high-speed electronsThat's like saying "water comes out of a pipe when water is poured into the pipe"

Conductors don't EMIT electrons (any more than any material), but they allow electrons to flow freely within themselves. That is called a current.

On that note, a current flows through a conductor when it is moved through a magnetic field. This is how generators work.

Any material can be made to emit electrons by adding electrons to it. That's like saying a full cup will emit water if more water is added to it.

ACTUALLY they are emitted. look it up.
When it is heated hence those electrons are named as thermions and emission is known as thermionic emission.

When light falls on it electrons are emitted. This phenomenon is known as photo electric emission.

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Electrons are emitted from a conductor when there is a potential difference (voltage) applied across the conductor, causing the electrons to flow due to the electric field. This flow of electrons is known as an electric current.

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Q: When are the electrons emitted from a conductor?
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What is a conductor in a battery that collects or emits electrons?


What are free electrons of conductor?

Free electrons in a conductor are loosely bound or unbound electrons that are not tied to any particular atom and are free to move within the material. These electrons are responsible for the material's ability to conduct electricity, as they can easily flow in response to an applied electric field.

Electrons are emitted from a conductor when the conductor is?

Electrons are emitted from a conductor when the conductor is heated or subjected to a strong electric field due to a process called thermionic emission or field emission, respectively. In both cases, the energy provided to the electrons allows them to overcome the binding forces of the material and escape into the surrounding space.

What does light do in photoeletric effect?

In the photoelectric effect, light (photons) ejects electrons from a material's surface, creating an electric current. The energy of each photon must exceed the material's work function for electrons to be emitted. The intensity of light affects the number of electrons emitted, while the frequency determines the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.

Can flow of an electrons interrupt in a conductor?

Yes, the flow of electrons in a conductor can be interrupted if there is a break in the circuit, such as when a wire is disconnected or damaged. Additionally, high resistance in the conductor can impede the flow of electrons, reducing the current.

Related questions

What are free electrons of conductor?

Free electrons in a conductor are loosely bound or unbound electrons that are not tied to any particular atom and are free to move within the material. These electrons are responsible for the material's ability to conduct electricity, as they can easily flow in response to an applied electric field.

Electrons are emitted from a conductor when the conductor is?

Electrons are emitted from a conductor when the conductor is heated or subjected to a strong electric field due to a process called thermionic emission or field emission, respectively. In both cases, the energy provided to the electrons allows them to overcome the binding forces of the material and escape into the surrounding space.

Electricity produces work when the electrons in a conductor?

Electricity produces work when the electrons in a conductor

What happens to the electrons in a conductor when there is a potential difference between the conductor's ends?

The free electrons in a conductor will, when a difference of potential (voltage) is applied at its ends, participate in electron current flow (or just current, if you prefer). The voltage applied to the conductor will drive current through the conductor, and the free electrons will support current flow. These electrons will actually move through the conductor. As electrons are driven into one end of the conductor, the free electrons "shift over" and electrons stream out the other end of the conductor. This is the essence of current flow in conductors.

Streams of protons and electrons emitted from the Sun produce?

The stream of protons and electrons being emitted from the sun is called the solar wind.

Does a conductor has many positive electrons?

No, a conductor does not have "positive electrons". Positive electrons are positrons, particles of anti-matter. A conductor, because if it's atomic structure, allows electrons to flow more freely from one atom to the other, thus creating electricity.

What does light do in photoeletric effect?

In the photoelectric effect, light (photons) ejects electrons from a material's surface, creating an electric current. The energy of each photon must exceed the material's work function for electrons to be emitted. The intensity of light affects the number of electrons emitted, while the frequency determines the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.

Can flow of an electrons interrupt in a conductor?

Yes, the flow of electrons in a conductor can be interrupted if there is a break in the circuit, such as when a wire is disconnected or damaged. Additionally, high resistance in the conductor can impede the flow of electrons, reducing the current.

Why is steel a conductor?

because it stole a conductor, it is conductive because the steel has extra electrons and when extra electrons get introduced to the steel, it releases its electrons and takes in the new electrons and this happens in a continually

Which is encountered by the electrons while flowing through a conductor?

Usually resistance is encountered by electrons while flowing through a conductor.

How an insulated conductor can be charged and discharged?

An insulated conductor can be charged by rubbing it with another material to transfer electrons. The excess electrons will distribute themselves along the surface of the conductor due to repulsion. The conductor can then discharge by connecting it to a conductive path that allows the electrons to flow away.

What is the name for a positively charged conductor through which electrons flow into a device?

Anode The name for a positive charge conductor through which electrons flow into a device is called the life conductor.