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Equinoxes are when there are twelve hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. The autumnal equinox is on September 21st on average, and the vernal equinox is on March 21st on average. You can tell that the seasons have changed and the equinoxes and solstices have occured because the amount of sunlight changes and temperatures also change. Solstices are when there is either the shortest or longest amount of daylight. The summer solstice is when there is the longest amount of daylight. After the summer solstice, days begin to slowly get shorter until the autumnal equinox. The winter solstice is when there is the shortest amount of daylight. After the winter solstice the days get longer until you reach the vernal equinox.

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9y ago

The year has two equinoxes, which are the days on which the night and day are of equal length. They happen when the apparent position of the Sun (on the ecliptic) crosses the Earth's equator.
The equinoxes are usually March 21 and September 22, and on those days the Sun has a declination of zero and is overhead at the equator.

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Q: When are the solstices and the equinoxes?
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The equinoxes and solstices mark the midpoints of the three seasons?

No, the solstices and equinoxes mark the beginnings of the four seasons.

What are the difference between the equinoxes and the solstices?

The equinoxes and solstices are the first days of seasons. On the equinoxes, night and day is the same length. On the solstices, the day is either the longest or the shortest day of the year, depending on which solstice it is and which hemisphere you are in,

What occurs between the two solstices?

The two equinoxes.

What occurs midway between the dates of the summer and winter solstices?


Does the leap day affect when equinoxes and solstices occur?

Yes. If we did not insert the leap day during leap year, the calendar date of the equinoxes and solstices would change and eventually come at very different times in the calendar year. The whole purpose of Leap Year/Leap Day is to keep our calendar aligned with the equinoxes, solstices, and seasons in general.

How does the revolution of the Earth correlate to the solstices and the equinoxes?

The Earth's tilt results in the solstices and euinoxes, depending on where the Earth is in it's orbit around the sun.

How long does a season last?

91 and a fraction days. The dividing points are the two solstices and two equinoxes. You can see the precise dates of the equinoxes and solstices on the "Earth's Seasons" web site at the US Naval Observatory, at the link below.

How are the solstices and equinoxes related to the seasons?

" seasons are the manifestation of solsticesand equinoxesand are markers of the seasons

What moths don't have a solstice or a equinox?

There are two solstices and two equinoxes so the answer is 8.

How solstices and equinoxes different?

Equinoxes are the two points among the stars where the sun's apparent annual path crosses the celestial equator. Solstices are the two points among the stars where the sun's apparent annual path reaches its extremes, north and south of the celestial equator.

What is happening every half year?

A lot of things. equinoxes, solstices, (as a few) you need to elaborate more :)

What are solstices and equinoxes and how are they related to the seasons?

There are two solstices. they are the summer solstice (first day of summer), and the winter solstices (first day of winter An equinox is when day and night are the same length. like solstices, there are two of them. The Autumn equinox (first day of autumn), and then the spring equinox (first day of spring).