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Q: When arms and legs move laterally away form the middle of the body is what?
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What is the definition of an arms in lateral position?

Arms laterally means that the arms are out to the side away from the body.

Definition of arms in lateral position?

Arms laterally means that the arms are out to the side, away from the body. This is important in dance because sometimes the arms need to be in certain positions.

What is Moving the limbs away from and toward the centerline of the body is called?

Raising the arms laterally away from the body is called abduction.

What is the position of the hands when the body is in an anatomical position?

The wrists should not be bent, and the palms should face forward.

What is abduction in medical terms?

Moving the body part away from the midline of the body.Abduction means to move away from the trunk of your body, such as moving your arms away from the body

Which bone acts as a brace to hold the arms out and away from the body?


What is the movement of the humerus?

Abduction of the arm involves the humerus moving laterally. Abduction means moving a limb or finger away from the midline of the body or limb.

How can you describe an everyday body position using medical terminology?

When we are erect and facing forward, arms to the side with palms face up, feet faced forward, this is called the anatomical position. To be more specific you can sat you see the anterior (front) part of the body, with arms positioned laterally (to the side of the body rather than the midline of body). The head is positioned superior to the feet.

When carrying an object keep your arms straight and the object away from your body?


What is the medical term for movement away from?

Abduction is an anatomical term describing movement of a limb or other body part, and it specifically describes movement away from the midline or the median plane. When the fingers of your opened hand spread outward, they move away from the neutrally positioned 3rd digit, this is abduction of the fingers. When you bring your arm up laterally from you side within the coronal or frontal plane, you are abducting your shoulder. The same goes for bringing your leg out laterally within the coronal plane.Bending your trunk or head laterally within the coronal plane away from the midline is not termed abduction. In this case you are performing lateral flexion or lateral bending.The opposite of abduction is adduction, which means to move a limb or other part of the body toward the midline.

What is the side determination of hip bone in human body?

acetabulam directed laterally

Do Sea Urchins have arms?

they have one eye smack in the middle of their body