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Never. Tax brackets are on the next you never make less by making more!

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Q: When as far as tax brackets go is it counterproductive for a spouse to work?
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What does parentheses or brackets stand for in algebra?

the brackets mean "do this first". for example, in: x(4+2) you would add 4+2 before multiplying it By x. you can also add brackets into brackets which do the same thing. it is not compulsory, but you may change the brackets for how far in they are. i.e {[(1)]}.

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As far as you can. If you have a friend or spouse who is willing to do it, they can push it farther.

Will a divorce court judge grant a subpoena for your spouse's work email?

The answer depends on the the jurisdiction - and of course, the judge. Usually you must show the judge sufficient proof that the work email contains critical information relevant to your divorce. Although it is not the same as a search warrant, if you think in terms of what is required for a search warrant, you won't be that far off from what would be expected if you wanted to subpoena a spouse's work email. It may be simpler to approach the employer who actually owns the work email (in most jurisdictions employers own the email, not the employee).

Why do the ugly images of spouse adultery refuse to go away?

When a spouse gives their other spouse all their love; trust and loyalty they always feel their spouse will do the same so when the spouse has an affair it comes as a shock to the other spouse. It is heartbreaking; that treasured bond of trust you once had in your spouse has gone and not easily earned back. It is normal to envision your cheating spouse being with someone else and enjoying themselves and it makes you question yourself as far as 'did I do something wrong; perhaps not enough and I let my partner down'; 'is our sexual relationship not good enough and did I do anything wrong; to 'does my cheating spouse think I am not attractive enough' or in some cases 'have I lost my looks and I'm too old and they don't want me anymore.' This makes the victim of a cheating spouse feel insecure and eventually they become angry and resentful and find it difficult to forgive their spouse for the cheating; the victim cannot feel sympathy for their spouse; the victim has a deep seated urge to pay back their cheating spouse for all the hurt he/she caused them and this in turn involves a poor sexual relationship because the victim feels when their cheating spouse is making love they are still thinking of the other person they cheated with. Marriage counseling can help, but it is entirely up to you (you hold the power) to either move on from the marriage or see a marriage counselor to learn the tools to deal with any problems in your marriage, but it takes the both of you to make it work. As far as your trust in your spouse it will take time and it is entirely up to them to earn that trust again.

If spouse dies before surviving parent what rights do you have to inheritance?

In the absence of a will, the property passes according the rules of intestate succession in the state the spouse died in. As far as I know, every state gives the estate to the surviving spouse, or the spouse and children in some proportion. Any will executed before the marriage is null and void as of the date of marriage, though you should consult an estate attorney on that state.

Can a Canadian citizen living in the US with their US citizen spouse apply for Canadian immigration for their spouse and does the spouse have to give up their US citizenship?

Yes s/he can sponser a spouse. For the method please refer to: As far as giving up citizenship: it is not required that the spouse give up citizenship. The US basically considers the spouse a US citizen and if they have citizenship in another country that is irrelevant to the US.

when your spouce has a friend that has taken things to far. how do you get the trust back without making them choice between the friend and spouce?

If the spouse was willing with the friends adances then they should not be alone together if the spouse told them no that should have earned trust already.

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Marriage is based on trust. If there are trust issues, you need to deal with that immediately. As far as friendships go, your friendships should not have to be limited based on your spouse's emotional problems.

If my spouse is a co-borrower for someone will it affect me?

As far as your credit goes, only if you apply for credit jointly with your spouse. In that case the lender will take that co-payment into account for your debt ratios. If you apply on your own there should be no effect. However, it is possible that should the primary on the debt your spouse co-signed for default on the loan, the debtor can harm your financial situation by coming after your spouse. Very rarely is one spouse sued or persued financially without having it affect the whole household in collateral ways. If you have joint bank accounts subject to judgments or your spouse dies and they come after the estate, there is the possibility of this significantly affecting you.

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The Elizabethan Settlement went as far as it went

Can you put the Nuva ring in too far or not far enough or does it work as long as it is inside?

You cannot put the Nuvaring in too far as the vagina is closed at the top. If it is not in far enough you are more likely to feelit but it will still work.

Can you get an annulment from a spouse in Wisconsin if he is in prison and you have been married longer than 5 years and your spouse has been in jail for 18 months?

No, the spouse wishing to end the marriage would need to file for a divorce, in some states it is referred to as a dissolution of marriage. The prescribed divorce procedures required by the state of residency also apply to a spouse who is incarcerated.