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Positive & Negative; caused by losing and gaining an electron.

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Q: When atoms gain or lose electrons we call the resulting atom an ion. What are the two different types of ions and how are they formed?
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How do atoms join to together to make different substances?

There are two different types of bonds when atoms join together. Covalent bonds are formed when atoms "share" electrons. Ionic bonds are formed when an atom gives up its electrons to another to form a bond.

A product of the combination of atoms during chemical reactions?

A chemical compound is formed when atoms combine through a chemical reaction. This combination involves the rearrangement of atoms' electrons, resulting in the formation of new chemical bonds. The resulting product can be a solid, liquid, or gas with distinct properties different from the starting materials.

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What is formed when atoms share stabilizing electrons?

Bonds are formed on sharing electrons. Covalent bonds are formed.

What kind of chemical bond is formed when electrons are transferred from atoms to atoms?

A covalent bond is formed when electrons are transferred from atom to atom.

How is a covalent formed between atoms?

the atoms share electrons

When electrons are shared between Atoms what kind of bond is formed?

Covalent bonds and dative (coordinate) bonds are formed are formed by sharing electrons between the bonding atoms.

When different atoms share their utter most electrons?

A covalent (polar or non-polar) bond is formed

When two different types of atoms share electrons to complete an octet what type of bond is formed?

covalent - which means "sharing of valence electrons"

When molecules are formed atoms?

share electrons

Is it true that in a covalent bond atoms share electrons?


How is a covalent bond formed between atoms?

the atoms share electrons