

When atoms that do not easily lose electrons form what?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: When atoms that do not easily lose electrons form what?
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What atoms tend to gain two electrons to form a anion?

se and sometimes gain electrons. Atoms with eight valence electrons do not easily lose electrons

How does a cation form?

Cations form when atoms lose electrons, they gain a positive charge as a result.

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When atoms lose or gain electrons they from?

When atoms lose or gain electrons, they form ions. These are charged particles.

What atoms tend to gain two electrons to form a 2- anion?

se and sometimes gain electrons. Atoms with eight valence electrons do not easily lose electrons

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What are charged particles that form when atoms gain or lose electrons

What bond occurs between atoms that do not share electrons equally?

Atoms that do not easily lose electrons form covalent bonds with other atoms. That is, they share electrons.

Can atoms lose or gain atoms to form elements?

No. Atoms of an element lose or gain electrons to form ions.

What chemical bond occurs when atoms lose gain or share electrons?

When atoms lose and gain electrons, an ionic bond will form. When atoms share electrons, a covalent bond will form.

When molecules are formed atoms share or loose electrons?

To form a molecule, atoms can share, lose, and gain electrons

How do atoms get a positive charge?

Atoms lose electrons to form positively charged cations.

What type of bonding happens to metalloids and metals and why?

• Metalloids: usually form covalent bonds with atoms of metals, nonmetals and other metalloids. They can easily take electrons from metals and lose electrons to nonmetals. • Metalloids: usually form covalent bonds with atoms of metals, nonmetals and other metalloids. They can easily take electrons from metals and lose electrons to nonmetals. They form because they want their valence shell to be full. Metals usually lose valence electrons because they want to stabilize their valence shell. Metalloids depends because they have different properties of metals and non metals.