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They may question them about their involvement to either eliminate them or implicate them in the offense, but cannot conduct a lengthy custodial interrogation without notifiying a parent/guardian of the situtation.

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Unless your city or state has some very unusual and restrictive regulations in place - in most areas of the country, yes, they can. School systems act "en loco parentis" which in plain English means that in the absence of parents the school is responsible for the actions and welfare of children while they are at school. If the child is not under arrest and/or not charged with a crime, they may be talked to or questioned by the school staff. Generally, ONLY if the child is in full custodial arrest, is it required to have their parent/guardian present during questioning. REMEMBER: Even though the SRO works in school, he is NOT an an employee of the school system. His employer and his duties are proscribed by law and HIS employer, the police department.

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Q: When can a truancy officer question a child at school with out parent consent?
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If you mean 'get with' in a sexual connotation, the answer is maybe. If the age of consent is 16 in the state or country in question, yes it would be legal. If not, the parents cannot 'consent' to them breaking a law. (Gee officer, I robbed the bank, but my parents said it was okay!)

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If the alleged abuse is about the parent then yes.

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If you are 16 you can, with a parent's consent, but you have to be 18 without parent's consent.

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It has been done in some states, but I don't recall hearing that Texas is one of them that will send a parent to jail for the truancy of their child.

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It depends on the age. If you are under 18 then yes but if the student is 18 then no

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No you do not need consent if you are the legal parent.

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For what?