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Congressional recess

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Hunter Quitzon

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Q: When can the President appointment people without approval by anyone else?
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When can the president appoint people without approval byt anyone else?

When can the president appoint people without approval by anyone else? When can the president appoint people without approval by anyone else?

When the president appoint people without approval by anyone else?

Congressional recess

When can the president appoint people without approval of anyone else?

during the Recess of the SenateThe president can appoint anybody without anyone's approval because it is one of their privaleges as president. They get to carry out certain duties and this is one pf them

What would happen if the president could appoint anyone as a federal judge without senate approval?

Chaos would ensue

Who does a presidential pardon requires the approval of?

Nobody. The president does not have to answer to anyone if he issues a pardon.

What law states that a president had to gain the approval of the senate before removing anyone appointed by a past president?

The Tenure of Office Act

What law stated that a president had to gain approval of the senate before removing anyone appointed by a past president?

Such was the infamous Tenure in Office Act passed after Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson became president.

Does the Senate or House of Representatives confirm the appointment of federal judges?

The President doesn't need anyone's approval to select, or nominate, a Federal judge, but the judge can only be appointed with the "advice and consent" of the Senate, which is only one chamber of Congress. Appointment requires a simple majority (51%) of the Senators voting. The House of Representatives, which is the other chamber of Congress, plays no role in this process.

Are Members of the presidents cabinet appointed by the president with the approval of the senate?

Yes, they are heads of the major government departments and advisors to the president and are appointed by the president ,subject to approval by the US senate.

How is a bill made?

A bill starts off as an idea, which can come from anyone. Then it gets shipped off to Congress where they vote on it. If the Senate and House Of Representatives votes yes to the bill it is sent to the president for him to sign. If the president rejects the bill, or vetos it, the bill can go back to Congress and if two-thirds vote yes to the bill it can become a law without the presidents approval.

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