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Q: When can you get your lip pierced without your parents in Washington state?
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You are 16 can you get your belly button pierced without your parents signature in South Carolina?

The South Carolina state law is that one must be 16 or older, to get their naval pierced. The reason for this is that any given person from 14-15 can still have a growth spurt and would damage the naval area if pierced.

Can a 17 year boy move out without parents permission in the state of Washington?

No they cannot. The age of majority in Washington is 18. Until then you are the responsibility of your parents. They determine where you live and much of what you can do.

At what age is it legal to get your earlobes pierced without a parent?

It depends on what country and/or state you are living in.

Can you move out of your parents house at the age of 17 without their consent and without emancipation in the state of Washington?

In the state of Washington, you are not legally allowed to move out of your parents' house without their consent until you turn 18, unless you get emancipated by a court order. Emancipation gives you legal independence, allowing you to live on your own before reaching the age of majority.

How old do you have to he to get your nose pierced in the state of Michigan?

In the state of Michigan, you can get pierced as young as 16 years of age with proper parental consent. For this you will have to have both of your parents present for the time of paperwork completion, instructions on aftercare, they will have to be present throughout the entire procedure, you will need to supply a copy of your birth certificate as well as they will have to supply their state issued ID's. Without consent, you will have to wait till 18 years of age.

Can the parent have police pick up a child who leaves home without permission and is under 18 in Washington State?

Yes, they can report them to the police. Until they are 18 in Washington, the parents continue to be responsible and make the decisions.

Is it legal for a 16-year-old to move out of a parent's home to another parent without custody in Washington state?

No. The child has to file for emancipation (divorce her parents), or her parents would have to sign off parental rights and / or make the new parents legal guardians.

How old should you be when you get your lip pierced in Texas?

I think piercing places are starting a new policy where if you're under 18, you have to have a birth certificate, a state ID, and parent consent. I can't go get my nose pierced without my state ID which I'm waiting on but a couple years ago I had no problem going to get my cartilage pierced.

How old do you have to be to get your tongue pierced in Arizona?

You must be at least 18 years old to get your tongue pierced in Arizona without parental consent. If you are under 18, you may need parental consent and be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

How can a teenager move out in Washington state without being emancipated?

You can

How old do you have to be to move out in WA?

In Washington state, you must be at least 18 years old to move out of your parents' or guardians' home without their permission. However, exceptions may apply if you are legally emancipated or have a court order.

How do you file primary custody in Washington state?

What is the intent and does it involve married or single parents?