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i think i started to feel it 3 to 5 hours later

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Q: When can you start to feel your face after your teeth get pulled?
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How long do you feel bad after getting two teeth pulled?

2 hours

Is it my wisdom teeth taking m voice away?

It may. if you just got them pulled its absolutely normal. if you got them pulled a while ago you might want to see your dentist. Feel better!;)

Does it hurt to remove four wisdom teeth when they are barely out?

You will probably be sedated to have 4 wisom teeth pulled out. You should have this done by a specialist in case it needs surgery. You won't feel a thing if sedated.

Does pulling teeth hurt?

No i have done it before and it is virtually painless :) plus if you have your teeth pulled by a dentist they usually numb it so you cant feel it but still after the anaesthetic it will hurt A LOT hope this is not making you scared :)

Does it hurt puppies to lose their teeth?

No. When puppies lose their "baby" teeth, they don't even feel it, because the teeth get so loose they literally just fall out as their adult teeth start coming in.

Is it normal for all my other teeth to hurt after getting two teeth pulled?

Here is what I think. I am gettig two of my baby teth pulled tomorrow because I have teeth growing over it, and my orthodontist wants it out. I've heard that once your tooth is numb, you wont feel any pain!!

You got your top two wisdom teeth pulled All your top teeth hurt and fell sinsitive Is that normal?

yup. you will experience swelling along the whole jaw which may make your other teeth feel a little sensitive. Just keep ice on it and you will be fine.

You just had your wisdom teeth pulled today. Is it okay to take Tylenol Pm?

of course, your dentist should have prescribed some Tylenol 3 for you!! You will feel better tomorrow though!

Does having two teeth pulled out Hurt cause like im freaking out?

it's gonna feel like someones pushing on your gums the day its done but as far as during the procedure it wont hurt a bit your going to feel them taking out the teeth if you choose to get pain killed during so but its nothing to get hyped up about

Do you start feeling pressure or discomfort in the mouth when the wisdom teeth are growing out and you have the braces on at the same time?

Yes you might feel pressure when wisdom teeth are erupting, whether you have braces or not.

When should you have wisdom teeth removed?

So long as they're healthy and not causing problems with your jaw, there's no need to have wisdom teeth removed. Everyone's teeth are different, so any decision to keep or remove wisdom teeth should be made in conjunction with your dentist and/or orthodontist.

Does gettina 4 teeth pulled out hurt?

No. Depending upon your dentist's choice, you'll be under general anesthesia or local. In local, the dentist "numbs you up" and you won't feel a thing. Don't worry about it. I'm more afraid of the IRS than you are about your teeth.